Page 9 of Love in the Dark

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One year of not fucking anybody.

I rub a hand over my face. Fuck, I’m not ready.

Along with the crates of liquor, I’m going to have to invest in anti-chafing lotion for my hand.

In conclusion, one verylongyear.

I hate to admit it, but my father really has outdone himself with this one.

My hand drops slowly from my face because I smell her before I ever see or hear her. Her scent, a lethal combination of powerful vetiver and sweet vanilla, floats up to my nose and supercharges my senses.

“Excuse me,” a sultry voice speaks from just behind me. Goosebumps break out at the base of my neck as if she caressed the area with her fingers. She leans in close enough that her chest presses against my arm.

Without moving my body, I slant my face to the side and look down at her from below my eyelashes.

My gaze connects with a pair of dark, shining eyes that stare boldly back into mine. I’m distantly aware that my breathing deregulates itself momentarily and that I miss an exhale, but I’m too taken by her eyes to give it any real notice.

‘Beautiful’ is much too tame a word to describe her.

She’s striking.

Black, pin straight hair parted right down the middle frames a heart-shaped face and falls to her chest. Her intense, almond eyes sit over a small nose and thick lips painted with red lipstick. She’d look almost fragile in her beauty but there’s an underlying sadness to her that adds edge to her face. I know it because I recognize the same sadness within myself.

She’s taller than average, I’d say the top of her head reaches just below my shoulder, but I barely register that as my eyes rake down her body and I realize I’m about to be severely tested for my sins.

She’s wrapped like a present on Christmas morning in a hot pink dress that ends mid-thigh and accentuates what feels like miles of long, toned legs that I instantly picture bent on either side of my head as she sits on my face.

She wasn’t in the crowd when I scanned it earlier, I would have noticed her.

I would have remembered her.

“Excuse me,” she repeats, because apart from silently ogling her, I haven’t actually acknowledged her yet. I flick my gaze up to meet hers. She gives me a seductive smile. “Do you want to have sex with me?”

Chapter 4


“Excuse me, do you want to have sex with me?”

Given a second chance at asking my first question again, I’d rework my choice of words. Unfortunately, they’re out and that’s how I decided to phrase them, so it is what it is. No use in second guessing them now.

To his credit, he’s not bowled over by my declaration. In fact, he has almost no reaction to it at all, save a slight arch of his eyebrow.

I wonder if maybe this has happened to him before.

Actually, I’m sure it has. The way he’s sitting alone at this bar, nursing his whisky, perfectly comfortable with his own company and unbothered by the world around him. It invites curious gazes, specifically those of the women in the room. I’d noticed a few of them imperceptibly craning their necks to get a look at the brooding man in the suit.

I’d been one of them, staring at him from the shadows of a covered booth in the corner. I’d hoped that when he revealed his face to the room it’d turn out to be as pleasing as the strong lines of his broad shoulders. He looked like he carried the weight of the world on them.

And then he stood up and I got my wish. He marched across the room and I felt a current of physical attraction in my lower belly that I’d never felt before.

Piercing clear blue eyes that I could make out even from across the room sat below full eyebrows and even fuller hair. It was artfully messy, almost like he’d paid someone handsomely to style it that way, but I instinctively knew it came from running his hand repeatedly through his hair. His jaw was firm and sharp, his mouth tight, and I’d wanted to kiss him just to see if I could get him to relax his lips.

Based on my physical reaction to him, I knew I’d found what I was looking for.

See, I’d decided after careful consideration that I wanted – no,needed– someone to absolutely rail me.

Not have sex or make love, but really fuck me. Face down on the mattress, hands pulling my hair as his cock powers into me and he whispers filthy things in my ear. As I make him lose his mind and he makes me believe in God. As he hopefully makes me come,hard.
