Page 9 of Radric

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I slam into her again and again and she finds her voice, screaming wildly, her body quivering like jelly.

“That’s right. You know who owns you, little goddess. You belong to me.”

“Fuck yeah!”she pants and her hips twist into my hips. I lift my hand and bring it down on her rounded white ass once, twice, spanking her until her skin is a lovely mottled pink with my handprints. Her moans and the way her round ass and long limbs writhe and turn, begging for my touch, tempting me to mark her even more.

I close my lips on the back of her neck, suckling hard until she has a large welt right there, a searing mark that will never fade. My claws dig into her hips and I drive into her until she’s falling on her face because she can’t stay upright anymore.

“Yes, yes, yes!” Her husky voice is tight and breathless and then she completely loses control, her loud shriek bouncing off the walls of the little cabin and echoing in my head and my heart.

I growl loud and long and then release my own flood into her soft, swollen depths, planting my seed in her womanly womb.

I fall to the side and then drag her slight body over top of me, smiling when she winces as she stretches out. “Now, you belong to me, woman. I claim my princess of darkness in the name of all Hell.”

She huffs. “You sound like an overdramatic teenager.”

I pout. “You really don’t seem to have any respect for my powers.”

“I do. Believe me. You terrify me.”

I growl when she giggles and pinches me. “I swear. Most of my brothers have gotten mates that at least match their ruthless natures. I got a sunny little goddess. I cannot decide if I’m happy or sad.”

“Be careful or that will be the last time you get to fuck me.”

My eyes sparkle and I roll her over, smirking at her. “We’ll see about that.”

It’s hours later when she finally breathlessly pleads for sleep. I close my eyes and tug her close so I can bury my nose in her soft hair.

She smells like the most delicious candy to me. Soft, sweet and intoxicating.

Mine. She smells like mine and that’s all I really need to know.



The door slams open and I jump up, screaming and throwing a bra, which is the first thing my hand touched, at the door.

Lobo huffs out a chuckle. “Yeah, that should work.” But he quickly sobers.

“You need to move. He’s on the way here.”

“How do you know?” Radric yawns.

“I saw him with my own two eyes. He’s heading this way and there’s nothing else out here for him.”

Nodding, Radric stands up and stretches, his long muscles lengthening even as my mouth waters. His cock is huge and right there.

He grins at me. “Not now, little one. We’ve got places to be right now.”

He grabs a few things he must think he’ll need and then Lobo throws some clothes at us. “I figured he’d get you and of course, being the melodramatic guy he is, he didn’t happen to think about you needing clothes or how pissed he’d get if you didn’t have them.” He rolls his eyes and then I grab the clothes and rush out of the room, wrapped up in a large sheet with moth holes in it.

By the time I get back, Radric is dressed in a dark sweater and dark jeans. He’s standing next to Lobo and they’re watching something outside. He turns to me and smiles slightly.

“You’re beautiful, my goddess.”

Lobo nods at me but barely looks at me. “I think we’re too late. This might be where we have to make our stand.”

Radric’s arrogant brow lifts. “I can do whatever I want. I don’t believe that I even have to try that hard. I can take him down any time I want to.”
