Page 23 of Wicked Stranger

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Opening her eyes, she sighed, blinked then jumped when her eyes landed on a sleek black panther. It stood staring at her, its eyes very familiar. Oddly enough, she felt no fear. Pushing herself away from the car she took a step then stopped waiting to see what it would do. It just stood there staring at her.

“Zane?” She whispered, taking another step. The panther made a low growl, showing sharp white teeth, and still, she didn’t feel fear. After a few more steps, she was in front of him. Slowly, she reached out and touched his massive head. The fur was sleek and black as night. It pushed its head, which came to her chest, into her hand. Kneeling, she ran her hand over its body as she stared into its eyes. “It’s really you.” She smiled, tilting her head, watching its silver eyes stare into hers.

Raina didn’t know how long she knelt there, just enjoying the panther’s presence. Never in her life had she been close to something so magnificent. He stood alert as if protecting her from any danger, and she felt safe, exactly how she felt with Zane. Suddenly, she understood what Zane had really meant when he asked her to trust him. Protection was part of who he was. It all made sense now. Suddenly she wanted to see Zane more than anything.

“Can I have Zane back now? I mean, it was great, ah, meeting you. You’re very pretty.” The panther snarled, lowering its head. “Handsome. I meant fiercely handsome. Please don’t eat me.” Raina frowned, realizing quickly that panthers did not like to be called pretty, but he really was pretty.

She watched as the panther backed away, its eyes still on her until he turned and disappeared into the darkness. She waited, wondering if Zane would return. Wrapping her arms around herself, she walked back to her car and leaned against it. The temperature had surely dropped. While near the panther, she had been warm.

“You cold?” Zane’s voice made her jump as she looked that way. He walked toward her shirtless, barefoot, with only a pair of sweats on.

“A little.” She admitted her eyes roaming his body. Man, he was fine. “I met your panther. I called him pretty. I think I hurt his…pride. He snarled at me.”

Zane smiled, taking her into his arms. He rested his chin on the top of her head. “He likes you, but I did tell him not to snarl at you again.”

“I like him too.” She replied with a smile, knowing that they were one and the same, but it was still new to her. “Tell him I’m sorry.”

“He knows.” Zane pulled her away slightly to look down at her. “Does he frighten you.”

Raina shook her head. “The opposite.” She whispered, then touched his face softly. “I felt safe with him like I do with you.”

“I will always keep you safe, Raina,” Zane said before kissing her. “Never will you want for anything. You are my mate, and you are mine.”

“What does that mean?” Raina asked, even though she felt each of his words deep in her soul. They felt right; this felt right.

“Shifters have one mate in their lifetime. If they are lucky enough to find him or her, that is it for them.” Zane began, and she knew he was doing his best to explain, so she remained silent to let him say what he needed. “You are my one and only mate. I will never have feelings for another woman like I do you.”

“But I’m human,” Raina said with a frown. “Does that matter?”

“No.” He shook his head. “It’s rare, but it happens.”

“So, I’m the lucky one.” She smiled up at him.

“No. I’m the lucky one, Raina. I never thought I would find my mate, and for it to be you makes me the luckiest man alive.” He kissed her quickly and then pulled away. “But if you are not comfortable with this, I will understand. As a human, I know this is strange for you.”

“Zane, I think I have waited my whole life for you. Even when we first met, the feelings I had for you were so intense that I couldn’t explain it.” Raina bit her lip; his eyes shifted to her mouth. “Is it possible for a human to have a mate?”

“Yes.” His eyes rose to meet her, looking so hopeful it melted her heart.

“Then you are most definitely my mate.” Raina gave him a radiant smile. “So how do we seal this mate deal? Is there a ritual or something?”

“There is definitely a ritual.” He gave her a sexy wink before kissing her neck.

“Does it involve clothes?” She moaned as he nipped at her skin.

“No, it does not.” His words were spoken in a husky timber of need.

“Mmmm, I really think I’m going to like this mate thing,” Raina said as she kissed him while climbing up his body and wrapped her legs around him. “Make me your mate, Zane.”

He pulled back, searching her eyes. “Are you sure?”

“I have never been more sure of anything in my life,” Raina answered as a tear slipped down her cheek. “I am absolutely in love with you and have been since you saved me in the woods from the big bad wolf. I never believed in love at first sight. Thank you.”

“What are you thanking me for?” He frowned, pulling slightly away so he could see her clearly.

“For saving me.” She whispered, running her thumb across his lips.

He smiled and then kissed her softly. “I love you, Raina. Never doubt that.”
