Page 22 of Wicked Stranger

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“Our ex.” Both Wicked and Raina answered at the same time.

“Wait. What?” Thorne shook his head as if that would help him comprehend what he just heard. “Your ex. Meaning you dated the same asshole?”

“Without knowing we were.” Wicked said, her voice shaking in anger. “Raina figured it out first and came to me. She told me her suspicions, and well, I believed her because I was becoming suspicious myself.”

“We confronted him together, and he just laughed as if it wasn’t a big deal which pissed us both off. So we got his ass fired from the security firm he worked for.” Raina shrugged as if she didn’t care. “He deserved it. He was a total dick.”

“I wanted to put a curse on him, but Raina didn’t let me.” Wicked frowned at her.

“Ah, I didn’t want my new best friend sent to witch prison.” Raina shot back.

“There’s a witch prison?” Zane asked cocking his eyebrow at that news.

“Oh, yeah.” Wicked said with a shudder. “Nasty place, so yeah, I decided against that because with my luck I’d get caught.”

“So we just left it at that, getting him fired because he took us both to his job to show off, making us think he was a big badass and, well, petty or not, he deserved it,” Raina said, glancing at Wicked. “But in turn, he got us fired from our jobs.”

“That’s not all, is it?” Thorne frowned, looking between the two women.

“No, it’s not,” Wicked replied with a sigh. “It seemed this asshole had a thing for tattoo artists, which is how he landed us. Because Raina and I got along so well, we decided to open up a shop together. After six months of being open, a woman came in asking for us both.

“The bastard was married.” Zane cursed at the look on Raina’s face.

“He was married,” Raina confirmed with a sad nod. “With two small children who she brought with her to confront us. I was devastated and swore to make that bastard pay.”

“We told her everything.” Wicked said, then glanced at Raina. “We even wrote affidavits that she took to court, and Raina even testified on her behalf in the divorce proceedings.”

“Felt it would be better for me to do it just in case something came out about Wicked being a real witch,” Raina said, then smiled. “She won. She was given everything she asked for. Then, about a month after the court date, Jacob showed up at the shop screaming, saying we ruined his life and that he would pay us back if it was the last thing he did. He swore he would take everything from us. I guess because I was the one to testify against him, he made good on his promise.”

“He also wrote whore on our shop as well as our cars. Finally, the cops arrested the bastard and informed us to get a restraining order, which we did. That was the last we heard from him.” Wicked said, then cursed. “Until now. Call that bastard! We got his number now.”

“No.” Thorne shook his head. “Zane and I will handle this.”

“I can’t let you do this.” Raina shook her head. “He isn’t playing. If he took everything away from me, he could do the same to you guys.”

Both Thorne and Zane laughed but then turned serious. “Let him fucking try.” Thorne answered with a growl.

“Do you trust me?” Zane looked her straight in the eye when he asked that question.

Immediately, she knew the answer to that. “Yes, I do.”

“Good.” He gave her a confident smile and then took her in his arms. “I’m sorry this happened to you, but soon you won’t have to worry about this guy.”

Raina nodded, but fear of something happening to him made her want to puke. It had been so long since she trusted anyone, and yet trusting Zane had been so easy. She hoped he didn’t regret meeting her after all was said and done.


Raina was restless, tossing and turning, flipping her pillow a million times. Nothing she did worked. Finally, with a huff, she hopped out of bed and looked out the window. She needed to get some fresh air. The room felt like it was closing in on her.

Throwing on a pair of sweats and a hoodie she had pulled out of her car, she opened the door and stepped out of the room. Stopping, she looked down the hallway to the door she now knew was Zane’s. Biting her lip, she tried to find the courage to go to him. She actually wanted to see him more than she wanted fresh air.

Taking a deep breath, she headed down the hallway, stopping in front of his door. Closing her eyes, she lightly knocked. Not hearing movement from inside she knocked one more time a little louder. Disappointed when he didn’t answer, she turned away and headed downstairs. Silently, she went to the alarm system and noticed it wasn’t set. Wicked had given her the code just in case she needed to go out, and they weren’t there.

Walking outside, she closed the door behind her and took a deep breath. The nights were getting cooler, the air brisk as she breathed in. Glancing up at the sky, she smiled at how clear it was. The stars littered the sky, sparkling beautifully. Her gaze moved to the moon, which was almost full. She loved nighttime. It was so peaceful and quiet. You could actually hear yourself think.

The stone beneath her bare feet was cold, but she didn’t care. Walking to the side, she stepped in the grass and wiggled her toes, digging them into the dirt under the grass, and smiled. There wasn’t much grass in New York, which was a shame. There was nothing like standing barefoot staring at the stars. Laughing at her thoughts, she shook her head and then walked to her car, which still housed most of her things. The parts were supposed to be here in the next day or two. Zane promised to get it running soon. Tomorrow, he and Thorne were going to New York to confront Jacob. Her stomach twisted at the thought.

Wrapping her arms around her stomach, she leaned against her car and closed her eyes with her head tilted back. Zane asked her to trust him, and she did, but she didn’t trust Jacob. He was a terrible person who didn’t care who he hurt. Raina really didn’t know if this was a good plan or not, but if she said anything, she was afraid Zane would think that she in fact, didn’t trust him.
