Page 239 of Daddies' Captive

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It was the best nap of her life.

* * *

When she woke up,she noticed she was surrounded by pillows.


When had that happened? Shrugging, she sat up and a light cramp hit her. Darn it, the painkillers had taken the sharper edge off but she was still sore.

Pushing off the covers, she knocked over a pillow and Slowly onto the floor.

“Oh no, Slowly!” She reached down and picked him up, brushing him off gently. “Are you okay?”

Hmm. Seemed she was still in Little space then. She shrugged, too uncomfortable to care.

Moving to the bathroom, she took care of business. Which meant taking off the onesie to pee. It was only after she had it off, that she realized it had an opening at the back. But she wouldn’t be able to reach that anyway.

She stared at herself in the mirror. Yikes! Her hair was a bit of a fright. How had it gotten that messy? She tried to calm it down, but she just seemed to make it worse. Then her tummy grumbled and she sighed with frustration.

“Effie? Where are you?” Steele called out.

Oops. He didn’t sound pleased. But she couldn’t imagine why. Oh, unless he’d thought she’d left?

“In here, Daddy!” she called out as she opened the door and stepped into the bedroom.

He turned, frowning at her.

“Where did you think I was?” She was still in the onesie, her clothes on a chair in the corner.

“Well, I knew you weren’t where I’d put you. In the bed. Where you should have stayed.” He pointed at the bed.

“I hads to pee.”

“Then you should have called me. I need a baby monitor for in here. In fact, we should make this room more baby girl friendly.”

She wasn’t quite sure what he meant by that. “I have to ask to use the bathroom?”

“You stay where I put you.” He waggled a finger at her. Rude.

“Daddy, I don’t has to stay where you put me.”

“Yes, baby girl. You do. Especially in Little headspace. I wonder if we can fit a crib in here.”

He was crazy.

Although she wasn’t completely opposed to the crib. So she decided the best idea was to change the subject.

“I should get changed, go back to work.”

“Didn’t I tell you that you’re taking the afternoon off?”

She bit her lip. “Yes, well, but that doesn’t feel right.”

“Who is the boss?” he demanded.

“Grady,” she replied instantly. Because, technically, he was her boss. Even though Steele was The Boss.

His eyes narrowed. “I’m rethinking my views on spanking you while you have your period.”
