Page 26 of Daddies' Captive

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“Yes, I think we’ve already discussed that part, Spitfire. I’m just letting you know the things that I don’t like.”

“But why?” she whispered. “I’m going to leave soon and you’re won’t see me again.”

“Somehow, I don’t think that’s true.”

The door rattled and then opened before Grady stepped in. His frowning face went from Steele to her. Then it dropped to where Steele was still holding her hand.

“What the fuck is going on in here?”


Grady was in a bad fucking mood.

Everything that could go wrong was going wrong tonight and on the one night he had something else to do.

And that something else was dealing with the girl in his office. He took a deep breath and reached for his keys. Only to hear the murmur of voices from behind the door.

Who the fuck was she talking to? He tested the door. Unlocked.

There could only be one person in there.

What the fuck was Steele up to?

He stormed into the room and took in their coziness. Steele was sitting on the sofa, which was where she was supposed to be. Because that’s where Grady had put her. And she was standing close to him. With her hand in his.

“What the fuck is going on in here?”

Effie’s eyes were wide as she stared at him.

“Ahh, good, you’re here,” Steele drawled. “I was just having a conversation with Spitfire.”

“Spitfire?” Grady asked, trying to pull himself together. “And what sort of conversation?”

“The sort of conversation that we don’t need to be having,” Effie replied. “Because right now, I should be at home, in bed, with a heat pack on my back.”

“You’re still in pain?” Steele asked sharply. “It wasn’t just because you moved too fast before?”

What was up with him? Steele didn’t usually pay a lot of attention to his employees.

But Effie wasn’t an employee.

Not yet.

Grady had plans to change that. But now he was wondering how Steele would feel about those plans. They had a rule about getting involved with employees.

Lucy seemed to think she was beyond that rule. She wasn’t.

And Effie wouldn’t be either.

So considering that his hand was still holding hers, Grady’s next play might piss Steele off.

But that didn’t matter if it was best for Effie. And he had a feeling that what Effie needed most was a job.

Not to end up in bed with the two of them for a weekend. They’d take care of her. They’d show her a good time. But it wouldn’t be permanent.

Because Steele didn’t ever want permanent.

And Grady couldn’t be in any sort of relationship without Steele.
