Page 33 of Dev Girl

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Onyx’s touch slipped along my cock as he coaxed Alys’s opening. Between the two of us, we teased and stretched.

She grunted and gasped.

“Is it too much?” Onyx asked.

Alys shook her head. “It hurts, but it feels really good.”

He kissed her shoulder. “That’s my Bunny.”

It took a lot of lube and some finger gymnastics, and then Onyx was buried inside her too, his cock resting against mine.

Officially also incredible.

There wasn’t much thrusting like this, and what there was took timing. Fortunately, Onyx could keep a beat. We built to a slow rocking, while I teased my thumb over Alys’s clit. The faces she made, the sounds that tore from her throat, were as much a feast as the way she felt.

Her gasps stuttered, and her breath caught, and she let out a long cry when she came again, clenching around both of us. The new spasms were enough to push me over the edge. I came hard, jerking inside her. Friction built as I rubbed against Onyx. Against Alys.

This was so fucking good. Right. The way Onyx reacted, his groans and grunts and the long stall before he resumed rocking, told me he was coming too.

As we all slowed to a stop, the world slowed with us.

We were part of each other in a way I didn’t think there were words to describe. It didn’t matter where we’d come from, what our pasts or our families were—they were the two people in this world who were mine. Who I belonged with.

After passing out for many hours, we spent our Saturday relaxing. Playing music. I made up some random tunes and Alys played along on whatever was nearby to use for drums. Onyx would make suggestions, then sing along with us.

I loved every second of it.

Joystick’s was filling up rapidly when we got there on Sunday. Normally he was closed today, like almost everyone on the street, but most of our friends had come out for the announcement and to celebrate-slash-mourn with us.

Not that there would be any tears—we’d make it through the qualifying round like we always did.

Joystick had a buffet set up, and had pushed all of the tables and chairs into big islands in the middle of the dining room. I would foot the bill at the end of it all, and that was great with me. As long as we all had fun.

I was mildly surprised to see my brother here, and far less surprised to see his partners weren’t. It wasn’t that he wasn’t supportive, but the three of them were like a match made in a little workaholic corner of heaven that I could admit existed, but that I never wanted to visit.

There was too much world out there to spend life chained to a non-stop schedule.

Xander approached us with a wave. He gave me a nod, and I returned the gesture.

“Alys, thank you again for yesterday,” he said. “Can I borrow you for a minute?”

“Sure.” She followed him to a quieter corner of the room.

I didn’t like the spike inside that threatened to choke me. What the fuck was my problem? Why did I care that Xander and Alys stood a few feet away, talking and laughing?

“Dude.” Adam smacked my arm. “You’re gonna glare a hole in the wall.”

I rubbed my eyes and turned toward him. “I’m fine.”

“So is she. As in, I guarantee you, she doesn’t see him that way.”

What way? My gaze drifted toward Alys again. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

Onyx joined us. “Why are we glaring at the corner?”

“Fuck off. I’m not glaring.” Was I?

“I can help if you want,” Onyx said. “Make them feel really uncomfortable.”
