Page 67 of Dev Girl

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Speaking of, that was where the idea fell apart. Telling one or the other how I felt bordered on that whole taking sides thing I wasn’t doing. Or rather, I would hate for one of them to see it that way.

The only solution was to get them saying more to each other than one to two word sentences before going their separate ways again. Which meant getting them together in the same room. Which meant getting Alys to look away from her work for Xander—

That wasn’t fair of me. What she was doing was for her, and she deserved it. But that didn’t mean I had to like that he was involved.

She’d mostly agreed to meet at Gage’s this afternoon, though, to look at the proofs from the Rascal’s photo shoot, and she knew Onyx would be there. With a little luck and at least as much nudging, maybe we’d all be back in the same house soon.

And figuring out how to make Onyx stay, without asking him to give up a great opportunity.

As I sat there, pondering the confusions of life and love, conversation assaulted me from every direction in the packed coffee shop. It was hard to make out what any one person was saying, but the instant Don Spader hit my ears, they had to follow the voice.

“I hear that Alys girl… unhinged… with the Haddar kid… sure gets around…”

Goodie. They were talking about me and Alys. I didn’t care what they said about me, but if they were back on their bullshit rumors about her, they got to have words with me.

“Whatcha lookin’ at?” Adam dropped onto the high stool next to mine, yanking me from my eavesdropping.

I scanned the shop around me, but couldn’t figure out who the owner of the gossip was.

“You okay?” Adam asked.

I shook the gossip aside as best as I could. He’d asked me what I was looking at. I had no idea. “I’m good. Mysteries of the universe?”

He pushed his shoulder into mine and his head moved into my space. “That’s Joystick’s. He only serves mystery meat on Saturday night.”

“It’s tofu. It’s not mysterious or a meat,” I countered.

“Toe-may-toe, toe-mah-toe.” Adam straightened into his own seat and put his phone on the counter in front of me. He tapped the screen. “Viewer numbers on the show we did a few days ago.”

It took me a moment to make sense of the video thumbnails next to statistics. One stood out over the others. “Does that say five-hundred thousand?”

“Yes.” Adam was excited.

“Watching us bullshit?”


I couldn’t even imagine. “Brain fellated.”

Adam took his phone back. “You mean mind blown?”

“If you want to be crude about it, I guess.”

“I almost always want to be crude about things,” Adam said. “Speaking of things… We could make this one.”

His words were gibberish, yet I had a good idea what he meant. “You mean like a podcast or something?”

“Or something. Exactly.”

Did I have to be the adult now? Gross. “I hate to be the one to tell you this, dude, but you and I aren’t exactly do-things-long-term people. Besides, the contest ends in less than two weeks.”

“But what if—and I think you’re going to like this—we talk about whatever we want?” Adam said.

“We do that anyway.”

“In front of a camera.”

I loved it. “Would people watch that?”
