Page 78 of Dev Girl

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Aubrey raised her brow. “Maddox is working?”

“Don’t ask.” Not that I had any answers.

“I get it. And yeah, of course. It’s all yours.”

“I need a zip-up,” Ravyn called. “And probably headphones, if the two of you think you’re having a private conversation.”

I liked her. She would be a perfect addition to the Nerd Herd. “No privacy is assumed.”

Aubrey vanished into the fitting room as well, and a moment later they both emerged, with Ravyn in the dress. She twirled in front of the three way mirror, checking herself out from several angles.

“You look incredible.” I meant it. “Especially the freckles.”

Ravyn grinned. “I guess I do.” She met my reflection’s gaze in the mirror. “Speaking of lack of privacy…”

I didn’t want to hear this, did I?

She licked her lips. “My brother runs in wealthier circles than I do—most of my family does—so we know some shitty people. They know some shitty people.”

“Kind of a weird lead-in to most anything,” I said.

Ravyn flipped the fringes on the dress and did another twirl. “My point is, I know who Don Spader is.”

Tension coiled through me.

“None of it’s true.” Thank God and Jesus for Aubrey immediately jumping to my defense.

“I figured as much,” Ravyn said. “But I didn’t know if you knew, or wanted to know…”

“What they’re saying about me?” I finished for her. About me. About Evie.

“You don’t have to hear it. It won’t help you in any way.” Aubrey held the dressing room door open for Ravyn.

It also wouldn’t help me to make up in my own head what was being said. I didn’t like it either way, but at least if Ravyn told me, I could brace myself. “I’d rather hear it from you first.”

“Keep in mind I swear I don’t believe a word.” Ravyn stepped toward the door, but didn’t vanish behind it. “The word is you lied about being pregnant with his baby, to steal him away from Evie, and when he called you on it, you tried to ruin his life.”

“Ah. That’s a classic.” I could deal with that one, though it did hurt more than usual because the pregnancy scare now was like the one back then. “I didn’t lie. I thought—”

“You don’t have to justify it to me,” Ravyn said. “I grew up on a steady diet of gossip, and I get it.”

I was so grateful for that. “Thank you.”

While Ravyn was changing into her street clothes, Onyx and Maddox showed up, and cut a direct path to the studio, to set up.

Aubrey grabbed me before I could follow. “In other news, you and Onyx…?”

“Friends again,” I confirmed.

“Thankfully.” How Onyx heard us, I had no idea.

Aubrey rolled her eyes. “I still think you’re a schmuck for not telling them,” she yelled back.

Ravyn emerged, in her street clothes again. “I’ll take this.” She handed the dress to Aubrey. “And just drop me a text when you want to stop by,” she said to me.

“Is the painting done?” Maddox seemed to appear from nowhere.

Ravyn nodded.
