Page 9 of Dev Girl

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Onyx pressed his entire body closer, his hot breath brushing my skin and his erection digging into my ass. “I’m sober enough, and I regret a lot of things in my life, but you’ve never been one of them. I want to be inside you.”

Sex was far easier than considering his words, and with him wrapped around me, it was easy to fall into the physical. “Okay.”

He pulled away, but not far, and I heard the nightstand drawer slide open, followed by the tear of foil—a condom. Inside you didn’t always lead to fucking, though it frequently did. It was always incredible, though.

I tugged my panties off, leaving me naked below the waist.

Onyx glided slippery, coolly fingers between my legs, spreading lube along my skin, then nudged my opening with the head of his cock. He’d made us both slick enough that he pushed inside me easily, but still stretched me out.

We lay there, him holding me, penetrating me, and neither of us moving, aside from the occasional twitch of his cock against my inner walls. I could fall asleep like this, and we both had in the past.

But my pulse quickened with anticipation and need when he glided a hand up my chest again. This time moving higher, under my bra, to tease one nipple.

This wasn’t a fast, hard, get off now kind of touch. It was more of a slow, playful thing. He rolled the swollen nub between his fingers, staying still inside me, rather than thrusting.

While Onyx twisted and pinched, he kissed along the edge of my neck, then sucked on the tender flesh, until a sharp sting rolled through me. He kept up both actions until my breathing was shallow and I was squeezing my thighs together.

With him inside me, the action enhanced my desire rather than doing anything to mute it, and with the darkness enveloping us, I could pretend nothing else existed.

Just when I thought I couldn’t take anymore, he slipped his hand down my stomach, and over my mound. When he brushed my clit, I jerked against his touch. The way he rested his arms against me, he held me in place, held himself in place.

He danced a light touch over my clit, enough to tantalize and torture in the best way possible. The more he stroked, the deeper his touch grew, until he was stroking and I was grinding into him. There was an incredible intimacy with him already inside me, sheathed but not thrusting, that enhanced the feeling of my swelling orgasm.

When I came, it was abrupt, like a switch flipping, and I had to bite the inside of my cheek to keep from crying out. To not wake up Maddox in the next room. I clenched around Onyx, his girth drawing out my pleasure. Pushing me further into climax.

As I slipped over that peak, as the pressure eased back, he gripped my hip, and pushed inside me. Deep. Hard. Fast. He was hammering now. Hitting me at that perfect angle and drawing out the moment. Making me come again. Burying himself in me. Fucking me like nothing else mattered but the way we felt at this moment.

I recognized his grunts. His stuttered breathing. The tightening of his hand as his fingers dug into my skin, and he came as well. The pounding didn’t let up right away. The way he slowed was drawn out. As delicious as the rest of the connection.

When he stopped, we stayed close. He stayed inside me, the franticness gone, but the nearness lingering.

On nights like tonight, when the rest of the world fell away and it was just the two of us, I wondered if Onyx and I would ever be more than friends.

But I wasn’t the kind of girl anyone wanted long-term. Not for love. Just for sex. As much as I hated to admit it, Don had been right about that. No one was going to fall for a geeky nobody like me, especially when I was willing to put out without a commitment.

But Onyx was one of my best friends, and I was happy with that. With the way we clicked, with the way we fucked, with the fact that he wanted me around regardless.

I couldn’t ask for more.



I stood in Onyx’s open doorway.

Don’t stare. It’s super creepy to watch people sleep..

Telling myself that didn’t make it any easier to pull my gaze away from him wrapped around Alys.

It wasn’t that I was jealous. Not like that. They were my best friends and I adored them. I’d do anything for them, and I knew they felt the same. Sometimes though, the reminder that they were closer to each other than to me hit harder than I wanted it to.

They had a bond I couldn’t touch.

They also both had bodies I’d love to touch more often, and in more intimate ways.

I gave my head a hard shake. The physical action might jar something mental loose, right?

Because that was all this was—me being mental. There was no reason to get hung up on the fact that even though Alys sent us each to bed alone last night, somehow she’d wound up sleeping next to Onyx.
