Page 93 of Dev Girl

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I did remember. “Bangkok Garden.”

Alys pushed back a little bit from the table. “Until that night, I thought I knew what spicy food was.”

That was such a great night. One of so many celebrations and other occasions we’d had together over the years. “Call the order in, and I’ll go get it. I can be there and back—”

“In an hour. Too long,” Maddox said.

I was already grabbing my keys. “You two stay here. Work when you’re able. I’ve done most of what I can anyway, at least this helps.”

We agreed on what we wanted, and Maddox promised to place the order in about fifteen minutes, so it’d be ready when I got there.

As I turned to leave, Alys stopped me with a hand on my arm. “You’re not gone yet. Come back soon.”

“Of course.” I brushed my lips over hers. We’d kissed dozens of times over the years, but this was different, like the one earlier today. This was with the pretending gone.

How did we ignore what we were to each other for so very long?

“What about me?” Maddox asked from where he stood a few feet away.

Couldn’t forget about Maddox. Not that I wanted to, but it would be impossible. I turned on him, and pressed him to the closest wall with my full body. I brought my mouth crashing down on his, controlling the kiss, despite him being taller. The way he squirmed against me and pushed back was incredible.

“I’ll be back,” I said when we came up for air. “And once our entry is in, we’re going to talk. You and me. All three of us.”

Maddox’s grin was quirky and sexy. “Yes, Mister Onyx.”

The entire day played in my mind on the drive, but especially the last few hours. I love yous with Alys. That kiss with Maddox.

The loop didn’t lead me anywhere new, though. Getting to the restaurant. Driving back, the smells of curry making my stomach growl. I couldn’t leave them. I couldn’t stay. I couldn’t let Maddox buy my store, but I couldn’t let anyone else do it either. I wanted the new store, and I had great plans for it.

But I couldn’t walk away from Alys and Maddox. Why did I ever think I could?

I got back to my house, and we ate and worked, pushing through the night. When we had points where we couldn’t do anything, we’d snooze for an hour or so, only for an alarm to wake us up, and we’d start on the next step.

We were all dragging and loopy by the time we finished the next morning around eight. There was no brain power for talking as we drove to the radio station. We had our entry in before ten. More than twelve hours to spare before the deadline.

Go Team Wonderland Crew.

As we settled back into Maddox’s SUV, I sank into my seat. “Let’s go home and sleep.”

“No.” Maddox didn’t turn the key. “We’re gonna talk.”

“Do you want to do that now?” I was exhausted and I didn’t have any new answers, but I did have things to say. I needed to tell him how I felt.

Alys studied me. “Don’t you?”

“I don’t want to wake up to another emergency, or get pulled away.” Maddox started the truck. “Alys’s place is closest. We’ll go there for privacy, but no more delays.”

“You’re right.” I couldn’t argue anymore. I didn’t want to.

Maddox drove us to Alys’s condo, which was only about ten minutes away, and she let us in. I’d only been here a few times, since we helped her move in, but that place didn’t look much different now than then. The furniture was arranged differently. But the only real personalized touches were the shelves of books, and the photographs in small frames that sat next to them. Some of Maddox, and of me. Of Aubrey and Evie.

Why hadn’t I visited more? Why did I put that on them?

Maddox faced me. “I’m listening. No, wait. I’m going first, because you took too long.”

I really had.

“I love you.” Maddox drove directly to the point, and his words hit hard. As hard as telling Alys the same. As hard as hearing her say it back. He looked at her. “Both of you. It’s probably obvious, but it needs saying. I love you both. And for the longest time, I didn’t think I could come between what the two of you have. Why would I even try? It’s so beautiful.”
