Page 11 of Sin With Me

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His tongue slides along the seam of my sealed lips, and it wakes me up enough to shove him away.

“Kevin!” I shout, more shocked by his forcefulness than anything else. “What are you—”

“You said yes,” he whines, leaning closer. He hesitates before resting his long hand on my knee. His touch is nervous, like he’s never felt a girl’s skin before.

“To what?” I hiss, pushing his hand off. He cocks his head to the side, his eyes narrowing as he stares at me.

“Kissing,” he says slowly. “At the house, you said yes.”

I try to rethink everything I said literally just moments ago, and I can’t remember ever telling him I’d kiss him. Then I mentally slap myself.

Is that a yes?

I internally groan at my own stupidity, but, like…who asks that shit?

“I didn’t mean—” I stop myself as I watch the light dim in his eyes. It’s just a kiss, what could it hurt? It’s not like I have anything better going on tonight, and I could use the distraction.

Stop, Evie. That’s rude as hell. I swallow, feeling fully chastised by my own inner voice. He really is nice. And cute—in an odd duck kind of way.

He’s obviously never kissed a girl before, and am I really going to lose anything other than a bit of my dignity and some time? Maybe a bit of saliva and skin cells, if I had to guess. My first kiss was awful, maybe I can make his decent.

“Alright,” I sigh. That light sparks in his eyes again, and he lurches toward me, his body vibrating with excitement. I put my hand against his shoulder, stopping him. If he’s going to kiss me, I need to teach him how to do it right. “Let me show you what to do.”

He eagerly nods as he sits back, letting me shift on to my knees. Placing my hands on his shoulders for balance, I lean forward until my lips touch his. I inwardly cringe, but remind myself I’m doing a good deed.

Or maybe I’m just horny and lonely, and Kevin is here.

Shit—for all I know, he’ll be some sort of a sexual savant once the nerves wear off.

One can only pray.

His hands rest on my hips, and I’m surprised at the feeling that shoots through me. He’s not hesitant or fumbling now—his touch is firm and sure. I like that.

I whimper as I shuffle closer to him, and the sound seems to make him feral. His fingers dig into my hips harder, pulling me forward until my breasts rest against his chest.

If Oli saw me, she’d be rolling on the ground howling with laughter. If literally anyone else saw, I’d be mortified for being caught kissing Kevin. But we’re alone, and it’s dark.

I slide my leg over his and straddle him. My dress rucks up around my thighs, letting me feel his hard length under his jean shorts.

Don’t think about the jorts.

Don’t think about the jorts.

He gasps as he pulls away, his eyes wide as I rest my thong-covered middle against him.

He stares down at my bare legs glistening in the moonlight. At the place where my dress is raised high, and even though he can’t see my pussy, he knows it’s there.

“Oh my goodness,” he breathes. “You’re so warm. It’s so—can I see?”

I blink at him. “See?”

“Your—your—vagina.” The word is barely audible, and I choke on a laugh. Grabbing his hand, I bring it to my breast, letting him feel the full softness of it. He adjusts his rapidly fogging glasses with his other hand as he squeezes. “Wow.”

“It’s my pussy, Kev,” I say, my voice softer. “You can say it.” I rock my hips against him, and his entire body goes rigid.


Yeah. That word might be ruined for me.
