Page 194 of Sin With Me

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So, I smile wide, step into his bubble and wink. “Oh, Chase,” I murmur, ignoring the waitress when she points to a table. “Are you saying that if I’m a bad boy, you’ll kiss me?”

His grin drops, his mouth gapes, his cheeks turn pink and then…

His head tips back with bright, genuine laughter. “Oh, sweet, sweet, baby Roman,” he cackles. “Don’t tempt me. You know I’ll do it. Any time, any place.”

I shoot him a death-glare and slide into my chair, giving him my back. “You’re so fucking annoying.” He’s literally impossible to fuck with.

Chase thanks the waitress, taking the extra second to squeeze her shoulder as he sends her dazzling smile before dropping into the seat next to me. “You only think—”

“What the fuck is this place?” Kon barks, interrupting him as he flicks his pissed-off gaze between Chase, the waitress he touched and the tiny metal chair he’s supposed to sit in. “This isn’t going to work,” he grunts, crossing his meaty arms.

Chase scoffs and rolls his eyes. He points to the chair. “Sit.”

And then the craziest thing happens.

Kon sits.

It’s one of the funniest things I’ve ever seen. Watching a man over six and half feet tall, built like a fucking tank, bend himself until he’s perched on a tiny chair, all while muttering in Russian.

I cock my head as the tail end of his rant trickles through.

Stupid fucking tiny chairs meant for stupid fucking tiny American’s. He snaps his gaze to Chase before finishing, He’s lucky he’s so fucking cute.

Chase gives no outside reaction that he understands Kon’s words except a slight twitch of his lip that he tries to hide behind his menu. But considering there’s only like three things on the small paper, I don’t miss it.

Before I can ask for the hundredth time what’s going on between them, another waitress pops up, a bright smile plastered on her face. “Welcome to Fox and Hen! Can I get you all started on beverages? Some Pellegrino? A chilled coconut milk with peach and guava extract, perhaps?”

I blink.

And then I blink again.

Meanwhile, Kon is shifting uncomfortably in his tiny chair, his brows dipped low in confusion as he tries to figure out how not to fall. “Iced tea,” he grunts.

“Water for me,” I add, my lip lifting in a polite smile before I flick my gaze back to the menu. If you can even call it that.

“Sir, I’m sorry, but we don’t have iced tea. We don’t believe in caffeine, it distorts the body's natural sympathetic systems.”

Kon’s head snaps up, his cheeks burning bright red under his beard. His mouth drops open, then snaps shut, only to open once more. She shrinks back under his powerful glower. Chase chuckles softly, giving her a look that’s all honey and influencer-charm as he waves Kon off.

“Please excuse my friend. He’s not from here.” If it’s possible, Kon’s face gets even redder at Chase’s words. “We’ll take three waters, please.”

She dips her head and quickly scurries away. I sigh, sinking deeper into my chair. It really is super fucking tiny. I barely fit in it and I’m nowhere near as big as Kon. My eyes flit over the menu as we fall into silence, only the sound of a packed restaurant to fill the air between us.

I try to focus on the words in front of me, but every time I start to read, my mind wanders back to Divinity. Even with eighty miles and years of pain between us, she’s still consuming me.

My fingers tighten around the paper, the words blurring together as visions of what went down in the church the other day flicker through my mind. Without my permission, my cock stiffens in my jeans and I shift, trying to relieve the pressure.

It doesn’t work and the memory loops through my brain again.

The sound of my name leaving her puffy lips, her head tipped back, her nails digging into my skin, the way she begged as she rode my face with abandon.

Fuck, she was perfect.

The waitress drops off three icy glasses with some kind of garnish on top, then hurries away, just as my mouth fills with the taste of Eve’s cum on my tongue.

I snatch the glass up, vaguely aware of the bead of sweat dripping down my temple. I tip my head back, taking in a mouthful of the cold liquid before promptly choking and spitting it back into the glass.

Chase gives me a horrified look and quickly checks to make sure no one else saw what just happened. Kon immediately sets his glass back down with more force than necessary.
