Page 195 of Sin With Me

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I wipe my mouth with the back of my hand, my tongue still burning. “What the fuck is this?” I hiss.

My best friend’s eyes narrow to thin slits. He picks his glass up and takes a small sip, then another. “It’s water,” he says slowly, like I’m stupid for asking.

“Then why’s it spicy?”

Chase rolls his eyes and sets his glass back down. “It’s mineral water, Roman. It’s been naturally filtered for over thirty years by the rocks of the Italian Alps.” He runs a hand through his hair, somehow giving it the perfect tousled look. “Honestly, it’s like you have no culture.”

“I’m literally Puerto Rican,” I grunt, crossing my arms and leaning back in my chair. It wobbles under my weight and I tense, but it holds and I say a silent thank you to the universe.

“Half,” he scoffs. “Honestly, Ro, your Divinity is showing.”

“What does that mean?” Kon grunts, his eyes flitting between the two of us. His hand wraps around his glass like he’s going to drink it, but he releases it just as quick, a dejected look on his bearded face.

I smirk. “You should drink it, Kon.” I jut my chin, my tongue poking the inside of my cheek to stifle a laugh. “You’d like it. Burns like vodka.”

His eyes narrow. “Why does that mean I’d like it?”

“Oh, poor, pretty puppy,” Chase murmurs, his voice condescending as hell. He rubs his thumb over Kon’s wrist and gives him a pout. “Because you’re Russian. Did you forget, honey?”

God, he’s so much like Oli, it’s scary.

Kon tosses Chase’s hand off like it’s burned him and the blonde man next to me falls into a fit of cackles. I can’t help but laugh along with him, but it dies a quick death as small plates of food are delivered to our table with a flourish unfitting of the hipster restaurant.

My eyes are wide as they take in the spread that looks anything but appetizing, and my hungry stomach protests.

“This looks amazing!” Chase beams at the servers. “Presentation alone is five stars. Please tell the chef I can’t wait to try everything.”

The waitress closest to him turns bright pink and stumbles over her words for a solid ten seconds. “Of course, Mr. Tanner. I’ll let him know right away.”

She practically sprints from the table and trips over another staff member before righting herself and disappearing behind the kitchen door.

“Probably couldn’t see past the hearts in her eyes,” Kon grumbles as he slides a tiny plate across the table, preparing to dig in.

Chase huffs, barely paying the man any attention as he fucks with his phone. Kon picks up his fork and suddenly, Chase lets out a loud squeak and bats the fork to the floor.

“What the–”

“Not before I take pictures!” Chase hisses, dropping his ass back in his chair. “I’m being paid to eat here and share my honest opinion. Don’t fuck up the vibe, dude.”

“Yeah, it’s honestly a waste of fucking time,” Kon snaps, pointing a thick finger at the plates Chase is meticulously organizing. “I can’t eat this shit.”

I bob my head. “We didn’t even order yet. What is it?” I stab some green goo with the tip of my knife, watching as it wiggles.

Chase smacks my hand. “It’s vegan gastronomy.”

His simple reply is so nonchalant that it renders me temporarily speechless. Kon, however, has lots to say. Most of it in Russian.

“Vegan?” he whisper-shouts and the vein in his temple pops out, throbbing angrily. “As in no meat? Do you even know me?”

“Yeah,” Chase scoffs. “I know you’ll die in the next ten years if you don’t eat a vegetable every once in a while.”

I let my head fall forward as I sigh in resignation, promising my stomach I’ll buy a burger on my way home.


Not home.

Divinity Falls isn’t my home anymore. I could just stay the night here in Mammoth, back at the loft with Chase, but as soon as the idea appears, I shove it away.
