Page 197 of Sin With Me

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“Chase,” I sigh, questioning his faculties for the millionth time in all the years I’ve known him. “Tell me you know Nessy’s not actually in the lake. Tell me you know she imagined whatever she saw. You do know that, right?”

He clicks his tongue and tips his shoulders. “Who's to say what she saw, hmm? Besides, from what I heard, Eve jumped right in to help her, so Oli can’t be the only one who saw the beast.”

I grunt, looking away. I don’t want to think about her or the way she looked when I watched her pull herself from the lake after I pretended to go inside.

I meant to, I really did, but I had to make sure they were okay. It was the middle of the night and anything could have happened. She could have drowned. Oli could have suggested a breath holding contest or some other random shit that would have no doubt gotten them both killed. I needed to make sure.

It was a mistake.

I should have gone inside.

Because when Eve pulled her dripping body from the lake, my t-shirt clinging to her naked form like a second skin, her head tipped back as she laughed freely, I…

I ached for her all over again.

She’s just too goddamn beautiful for her own good.

I hate it.

Hate her.

Hate her so fucking much.

Love her so fucking much.

“How’s it going at your dad’s?” Kon asks, his voice softer than I think I’ve ever heard it.

Chase points a spoon at him. “Don’t call the prick his dad.” He turns a toothy grin at me and drops his arm over my shoulders, pulling me into his side. “I’m more of a Daddy than that asswipe.”

I shrug him off. He’s not wrong, but I’d rather die than confirm his delusions. “It’s fine,” I huff, my jaw ticking, my glare locked on the table.

“Riiiight,” Chase drawls. “And Kon’s sucking my cock tonight.”

Kon sputters out his water at that and I reluctantly find myself smiling despite the chaos raging inside me. I swear Chase giggles like a little girl at the shocked look on Kon’s face.

It takes the big man a few seconds to blink through it before shaking it off and turning to me, ignoring Chase completely. “Seriously. How’s it going? You said Isaac’s gone, so that leaves just–”

“Just you and she who shall not be named.” Chase pales and tugs on his lip, looking anywhere but at me. “Sure, sure. How’s that, uh, I mean, how’s she doing? Still good? Still nake–I mean, still doing her job or whatever?”

His hands flail through the air and I’m happy to watch him disintegrate. But then his words trickle in and anger washes over me once more.

“If by working,” I spit, “you mean taking her clothes off and fucking herself for the world, then, yeah. She’s still working.”

“Christ on a cross,” Chase gags, aggressively shoving the plates away. “I can’t do this.”

“Do what? Listen to your friend talk about what’s bothering him?” Kon tsks. “Don’t be so selfish, little brat.”

Chase sputters, choking on his tongue as his pupils practically dilate. “That’s—what? No, that’s not—what did you just call me?”

Kon shrugs, smirking. “Exactly what you are.”

Chase sinks back in his chair, muttering to himself. “Fuck, that shouldn’t be so hot but now I’m hard, and in this stupid restaurant with stupid rabbit food and I have a stupid fucking boner.”

I lean into his space. “Hey, Chase?”

He mumbles a half-hearted yes, still glaring at his junk.

“Remember when you jacked off to Eve?” A shudder runs down my spine at the words and I briefly entertain the idea of murdering my best friend, but it has the intended effect.
