Page 198 of Sin With Me

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He whirls on me, his eyes flitting between mine. “I’m so sorry!” he cries. “Please don’t kill me. I know she’s all yours and shit but, dude, I swear I didn’t know.”

I lean back and wave him off. “Doesn't matter. She’s not mine anymore. You can do whatever the fuck you want with the bitch.”

Lies. Lies. So many lies that taste like acid on my tongue.

“What happened?” Kon grunts, crossing his big, tattooed arms on the table as he leans forward. “Seriously, what’s going on?”

I’m not someone who talks about my feelings or opens up. Not even with these two people, my best friends, my only friends. The two people who know everything about me. Every dark, gritty detail, from a fucked up childhood, to losing her, to addiction and homelessness. They’ve seen me through it all.

But that doesn’t make splitting the wounds open any less horrifying. It doesn’t make telling them just how dark and fucked up my thoughts are any less scary.

Yet, it’s the soft look in Kon’s eyes, the one that reminds me he knows too much, has seen me through too much, that finally makes me crack.

“Eve is fucking Isaac.”

Four words and it’s as if a bomb’s been dropped right here in the middle of the restaurant. I have to grab Chase’s arm to keep him in his chair when he tries to explode from it.

“What the fuck?” he whisper-yells, his eyes huge, his fists clenching and unclenching. Kon’s not doing much better and I let out a long breath, raking my hands through my hair.

Yeah, that’s pretty much how I thought that would go.

“Pyro,” Kon mutters, his throat bobbing. “You can’t just drop something like that without giving details.”

So I fill them in on everything that’s gone down since I’ve been back, leaving nothing out. If for no other reason than to just finally get this shit off my chest so I don’t feel like I’m suffocating any more.

By the time I’m done, we’ve gone through six glasses of the spicy water and Chase is practically sitting in my lap, he’s so close. Kon looks like he’s ready to kill someone and I’m honestly not sure who it is. Eve, Isaac or me.

“You shouldn’t have blackmailed her,” he grunts, clicking his tongue in disapproval. “Or recorded her without her consent.”

“Surprisingly,” Chase mumbles uncomfortably. “I agree with the big fucker.”

My mouth drops open. “Her consent is rubbing her cunt for strangers on the internet,” I hiss, my fingers digging indents into my phone as though I can feel the video burning through the plastic. “If she doesn’t want to be recorded, she shouldn’t get in front of the camera.”

“That’s not the same thing, and you know it.” I roll my eyes at him, but he ignores me. “You didn’t screen-record the content she created. You recorded her face, her body, her setup, while she was in her home, her safe-space.”

I scoff. “That place isn’t safe.”

I should know better than anyone.

Kon clears his throat. “Back to the Isaac part.” I shudder in revulsion. “Have you considered that maybe he’s manipulating Eve into this—” He breaks off, his hand fluttering like he’s searching for the word. He snaps his fingers, brows crashing together.

Chase bobs his head like he’s found whatever Kon’s looking for. “Farce.”

Kon smiles. “Farce. Yes. Farce of a relationship.”

I had considered it. In fact, force or manipulation was the first thing I considered. It's what brought me home. That, plus her camming, I really thought Isaac was behind it all. But then, I saw them together. I saw the way her eyes followed him around the room. The way she lights up when he looks at her. Saw the way he bends for Eve—something I didn’t think he was capable of.

Isaac is softer with Eve and Eve…

I shake my head. “Eve is a willing participant. Trust me. A very loud, very willing, participant.”

“Oh shit,” Chase groans. “You’ve heard them fucking, haven’t you?”

I grimace, bobbing my head. I wanted to kill myself that night. Literally jump off the fucking roof just to make it stop. The sound of her screams, his hand on her ass, his grunts. It was like being drug through Hell by my fingernails.

For a moment, just a brief moment, I thought he was hitting her. Thought it wasn’t consensual.

Then, I heard her moans start up. Heard her beg for more.
