Page 238 of Sin With Me

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Kon is sitting on the couch, making it look way too small under him, as he rests his elbows on his knees, his phone in his hand as he scrolls. Robert snakes through his legs like he’s a cat, and even though Kon looks annoyed, he’s letting Robert do it. His eyes flick to me before returning to the screen.

“Is that what you’re wearing?”

“Where are we going?” I groan, rubbing my eye with my fist. He lets out a long breath as he sets his phone on the coffee table in front of him.

“I’m teaching you how to drive,” he finally says, looking at me. “Get dressed or you’re going like that.”


“It’s a skill everyone needs to know.” His voice is so deep, so accented, so terrifying. I nod, swallowing thickly. We stare at each other for a long moment, and I shuffle back a step.

“How do you even know I can’t drive?” I ask, and he shakes his head like it’s a stupid question.

“Doesn’t matter. I know you can’t. I’m teaching you.”

“But you hate me,” I blurt. There’s a tic by his eye as he glares at me.

“I do not hate you,” he grinds out. “I hate that you’ve hurt my friend. But if he can forgive you, so can I.”

I blink.

If he can forgive me?

“You’ve talked to Roman?” The words come out before I can stop them. His jaw tenses under his thick beard, and I think he’s not going to answer me, but then he dips his chin in a slight nod.

“Been texting him.” He waves his fingers at his phone. “He’s sorry, too.” I wrap my arms around myself as I take a deep breath.

“We’re driving?” I mumble, ignoring his words. Kon gives me a strange look, then another firm nod. “Where?”

“Dressed.” He points a thick finger at the hallway behind me. I hesitate. I don’t have clothes. I need to borrow an outfit from Oli. Shit. There’s no telling what she packed.

“Coffee—oh, you’re up.” My gaze snaps to Chase as he walks into the living room, holding a mug. It takes me all of five seconds to take in the rest of him, and my eyes widen.

He’s shirtless with an apron on that says Kiss the Influencer. His head tilts to the side as we stare at each other. “You agreed?”

“I didn’t have much of a choice,” I mumble, shooting Kon an accusatory look. But he doesn’t look apologetic in the least.

Chase opens his mouth to say something, but I turn on my heel, not wanting to entertain anyone anymore.

No more fake smiles.

No more pretending I care.

No more.

I slump away from Kon and Chase, leaving them in a hushed conversation, no doubt regretting their choice of letting such a sad, pathetic girl stay with them.

My stomach twists as I knock on Oli’s door. Immediately, I’m met with the sounds of a duck screeching, and I shut my eyes, taking a deep breath.


My life is chaos.

Oli yanks the door open, her wig lopsided and her giant night shirt tucked into a pair of fishnet leggings. Her eyes are wide as she stands there, gaping at me.

“What?” she breathes, looking past me. “Is Potato okay?” She stumbles into the hallway, one sock on.

“He’s fine,” I say, shoving her back into her room. It’s painted a pale purple, posters cover the walls, and the bedspread is the same pink she has at home, covered in a million squishies. “Apparently, Kon’s teaching me to drive today and I need clothes.”
