Page 239 of Sin With Me

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“Oh, yeah. He said he was going to do that.” She turns her back on me and moves to her pile of clothes on her bed. Waving her arms at it, she grins. “Have at it, gigglepuss.”

I blink at her.


“Because you’re so giggly.” She winks at me before twirling her finger in the air. “Turn around and cover your eyes. Mama’s gettin’ naked.”

“Jesus.” With a groan, I slap my hand over my eyes and turn my back to her. She grunts a few times, stumbling into things, and I almost glance over my shoulder to make sure she’s alright. But I value my life and I know she’d be pissed if I looked. “So, you knew about Kon?”

“About Kon?” she repeats. “Yeah. Why wouldn’t I know about him? He’s Roman’s boss.”

“Yep. And?”


“And Chase’s boyfriend, apparently.” Oli cackles, and I shake my head.

“I can’t believe he has a boyfriend,” she mutters. “So slutty of him.”

“Is it?” I murmur, then shake my head. “No, I meant you knew Kon was going to teach me how to drive?”

“Oh, that? Yeah. Chase really reamed him last night for being a dick to you. Think this is his way of apologizing.”

“Good to know.” I tilt my head from side to side, trying to loosen the tight muscles in my shoulders. “Can I look now?”


“Oli,” I groan. “Please.”

“I’ve been dressed for like ten minutes,” she says slyly. “I don’t know why you’re still facing that way.”

Lord help me.

Turning around, I find her fully dressed in one of her usual outfits. She waves at the pile of clothes again as she sinks onto the bed and pulls her laptop onto her lap.

Without a word, I start going through the clothes, trying to find something, anything, that’ll work. But everything is brightly colored, ripped, covered in sequins or words. None of it’s my style.

But maybe that’s what I need.

To be so far removed from who I am, who I was in Divinity.

Pulling out a hot pink t-shirt that says Hotter Than Your Grandpa, I snort to myself. Taking my shirt off, I toss it on the bed before slipping the new one over my head.

I keep digging through the pile until I find denim shorts and slip those on. It’s not the best outfit I’ve ever worn, but it’ll have to do.

Glancing at Oli, ready to show off my clothes, I pause. Her brows are bunched tightly together as her eyes flit over the screen. “What’s wrong?” I breathe, worry coiling tightly in my stomach. “Oli?”

“I can’t believe him,” she mutters so quietly I almost don’t hear her. “I can’t—Chase!” Grabbing her laptop, she leaps off the bed and strides out of the room. “Chase Joseph Tanner!”

Oh, shit.

My eyes widen as I hurry after her, finding her soaring through the loft, her tiny body full of anger. “Chase!” she screams again, and I sprint after her.

I come to an abrupt stop in the kitchen, finding Chase’s eyes wide as he holds a foil-wrapped sandwich in one hand, a to-go cup in the other. “What is it?” He frantically scans his sister.

“There’s no such thing as a mouse resort in California!” Oli cries.

Chase’s eyes widen even more. “What? Yes, it—”
