Page 248 of Sin With Me

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Is that why he came back?

I almost ask him, but I don’t know if Roman would’ve told him, or if he would’ve made up another excuse to come home. Judging by Chase’s expression, though, it seems that he already knows my question. He dips his chin, and I grit my teeth together.

Roman knew, and that’s why he came back.

But why?

Did he think I was easy? That I’d give it up to him again, no questions asked, now that I’m a cam girl? Or did he come back to stop me?

Or was his intention to blackmail me the entire time?

I might never know.

With a deep breath, I refocus on Chase. “You’ve unsubscribed, right? You're not watching my videos anymore?”

“God no,” he gasps. “I unsubbed the second he told me it was you.”

“Thanks.” I wrap my arms around myself. “And you didn’t tell anyone else?” I can’t look at him. I don’t know why, but it feels like I’ve disappointed him somehow. Like I’ve disappointed everyone.

“No,” he murmurs. His footsteps are soft as he walks toward me. I jolt when he rests his hands on my arms, gently squeezing. “Hey. Look at me.” I swallow thickly before lifting my eyes to him. “You have nothing to be ashamed of. I get paid to take shirtless pictures, too.”

My mouth opens and closes. That wasn’t what I thought he was going to say. “But you haven’t shown your entire naked body to thousands of people. You haven't—you haven’t done those things on camera. Said those things.”

“Not publicly,” he mutters, and my mouth opens again. “But I’m sure one day, a sex tape of mine will be out for the world to see.”


“I’m too hot not to film myself fucking,” he scoffs, stepping back. He gestures at himself, flexing his abs. “I mean, look at me. I’m only twenty-three once. I need to document it as much as I can, you know?”

“Chase!” I slap my hands over my eyes as he laughs.

“I’m sure I have a naked video on my phone,” he murmurs. “I can show you if you think that’ll make us even.” I shake my head, my hands still covering my face.

“Please, no,” I groan. “I don’t want to see that.”

“Suit yourself. I’m hot.”

“Please stop.”

He chuckles to himself and I slide my fingers apart to glare at him. “Sit.” He jerks his chin at the stool I’d vacated, and reluctantly, I sit, dropping my hands to the counter.

His face is uncharacteristically serious as he looks back at me.

“When I looked at you, I kept seeing the videos replay in my head. But I’ll try to get past it, okay? It’s not your fault, it’s mine. I don’t want you to feel uncomfortable around me. And I promise, I want nothing to do with you.”

“Thanks,” I mutter. “You’re great for the ego.” He cracks a small smile, shaking his head.

“I don’t want you to think I want to fuck you just because I’ve seen what you do for work,” he says softly. “You’re still like my annoying little sister.”

I take a deep breath as I nod, giving him a tight smile. Weirdly, his words make me feel better. I trust Chase more than I trust most people. It’s why I’ve kept in touch with him for the past few years. Knowing that he doesn’t look down on me like I’m dirty, or like I’m a whore, or like I owe him something, makes me feel better.

It reminds me that there are good men in the world. At least a couple.

I clear my throat. “I guess it’s a good thing I shut my Favorite Fans account down,” I murmur. His eyes snap to mine and I shrug, tracing my fingertips across the counter. “I couldn’t do it anymore.”

Not after Marcus.

Not after Roman and Isaac.
