Page 289 of Sin With Me

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That’s all it takes for him to make his move.

Isaac yanks my head back, forcing my spine to arch, and my throbbing arms lift from the bed. He chuckles and wrenches my arms above my head before tying them tightly together with his belt.

His finger traces across my tear-soaked cheek as he meets my gaze. “What’s the matter, temptress? You once loved the feeling of my belt.” He bends forward and licks up a tear. I jolt backward, but barely move an inch. Isaac glares at me. “Be a good whore for your Lord and stay still while I work.”

I gag at the name, the words, his touch. “Work?” I choke. “What are you doing, Isaac? Why?”

“I’m fucking the whore out of you,” he mutters as he leans over my body and presses play on the video. His fingers thread through my hair again, forcing my eyes forward. “1 Corinthians 6:11. Recite!” I jolt at the fury in his voice.

My brows furrow, and my head shakes, my throat burning. “Wh-what?” I know the verse. I don’t understand, though.

“Watch what a fucking whore you are while I fix the mistakes you’ve made!” he bellows. “Now, recite!”

I choke on another sob, my world spinning. I keep my eyes locked on the video, watching as a faceless version of myself rolls her body against a sex-toy, surrounded by black sheets and darkness.

“You were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord, Jesus Christ, and by the Spirit of our God,” I sob. “I-I don’t under—”

I feel him then, his bare body against my thighs. My knees slip and slide on the wood as I try to get away.

“No! No, no, no!” I cry. “Isaac, please. No. I don’t want this. You can’t. You don’t want to hurt me. Please!”

He ignores me, tightening his grip on my hair, keeping my face pressed into the comforter, my arms aching above my head. I can’t move. Can’t fight. Can’t get away.

And I think he really doesn’t care.


“No!” I scream. “No! Stop!”

But he doesn’t. I expect him to shove himself into my core, to fuck me the way he always has before, but he doesn’t do that either. I hear the sound of him spitting seconds before I feel the hot liquid drip down my back entrance and I tense.

Then, he’s there.

“No!” I scream again, shaking, trembling, breaking.

“If you move,” he warns, “it’ll hurt worse.”

He presses forward, the thick head of his cock shoving against something too dry, too tight. Ripping, shattering, tearing, breaking.

“I told you I’d take you here one day,” he groans, sounding dazed. “I promised you I’d own all your holes, and unlike you, I don’t break my promises.”

Burning pain is all I know as he forces me to accept him. Forces me to submit. To take something I never wanted.

“Just remember, this isn’t about pleasure. Lessons aren’t supposed to feel good, but you’ll be cleansed after this.” His hand rubs down my spine and I whimper. “It’ll be over soon and then everything can go back to how it was before.”

He’s insane.

How did I never see it before?

“Recite, whore!” he shouts, and when I don’t respond immediately, Isaac really does break me. I scream against the searing pain as he fully sheaths himself inside me.

The words tumble from my lips again and again, each time they become more and more meaningless. Each time, my voice becomes something I’ve never heard before. It becomes empty. It becomes nothing.

I become nothing.

My body rocks back and forth, my knees scraping against the floor as my chest hits the bed.

