Page 359 of Sin With Me

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I love Evelyn Jean Meyer with every beat of my ugly, black heart and she…

She loves him.

“I can’t do this,” I choke out, regret and devastation filling me as I pull away from her. It nearly kills me and I almost dive back in, willing to burn for just a taste of her fire. But…

But, Isaac.

He’ll win.

He always wins.

“I can’t go down this road again. Not when I know I’ll be the one to lose.”

The stairs.

“Please,” Jane begs, but it falls on deaf ears.

“Fuck,” my father groans, and acidic bile rises in my throat. “I’ve always loved the way you beg.”

She runs.

He grabs her.

She falls.

Isaac looms over her.

“Oh, God!” A broken sob leaves Jane. “I’m bleeding. Please, help me.”

But he doesn’t move to do anything.

He just stands above her, watching. He kneels beside her, his face coming into clear view, and the broken sound of Jane thanking him slices through my heart.

Slowly, he reaches down, his face blank, emotionless. Just like it always was when he took me to the basement.

Then I look into his eyes, and—

And they’re black.


Jane groans as he lifts her in his arms, her bloody hair taking up most of the screen.

Isaac slams Jane onto the ground, and a crack reverberates through my fucking body.

The stairs.

The stairs.

The stairs.

Everything around me goes black as a familiar fire fills my veins. I know nothing, see nothing, hear nothing, but her.

Isaac is on top of Eve, her head dangerously close to the bottom stair. Her skin is pale, tinged with blue and his hands…his hands are wrapped around her throat.

The last thought I have before losing myself is he doesn’t even see me coming for him.

I’m vaguely aware of my fingers tangling in his shirt as I rip Isaac from her limp body, and then I’m on top of him, my fists colliding with his face, his chest, his head, his flesh.
