Page 39 of Sin With Me

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I’ve long since lost those nervous butterflies I used to get before recording or hopping on a live chat with someone. You should’ve seen me the first time. I fumbled over every word, felt so uncomfortable and shy to be doing what I was doing. But for whatever reason, my shyness, the innocence, garnered me more tips than I could’ve ever imagined.

Men, because that’s who most of my clients are, are into crazy things. They’ve asked me if they could call me by their stepdaughter’s, biological daughter’s, and niece’s names. They’ve asked me to humiliate them, laugh at them, tell them they’re unloveable and unfuckable. They’ve wanted to dominate me, call me their dirty whore. They’ve asked if I could be their Mommy, or their teacher, or the naughty little church girl—that one came naturally.

A twinge of guilt hits me.

I haven’t been doing this for long, but I’ve gotten used to it. To the power and the money of this job—when can I call it my career? I’ve forgotten that beneath it all, I’m still just Eve—Goldie.

I’m still that scared, lonely girl who selfishly wanted nothing but more. More freedom. More experiences. More laughter. More love.

More. More. More.

My gaze catches on the map above my desk, and I’m reminded why I’m really doing this. That empty map without even one red pin is why I’m doing this, why I need to do this.

By this time next year, I’m hoping to be on the open road, traveling through America, just me and my future van and my music. Freedom for as far as the eye can see.

And once I’ve seen every corner of this country, I’ll move onto another, and another, and another, until I’ve seen every country on this planet. But in the pit of my stomach, something tells me even after all that, I’ll still be searching for something. That I’ll never stop searching for a home, for a place where I feel like I truly belong, where I don’t have to hide any parts of myself.

Where I’ll be free.

Does a place like that even exist?

I shake myself. Now is not the time for an existential crisis. I have money to make.

After putting my outfit on and taking my mom’s necklace off, setting up my camera, light, and laptop, I sit on the white carpet, my legs spread just enough to be enticing, but still closed enough to be modest. It’s a game I’ve played for weeks, that line between angel and devil, and it’s one I’ve gotten freakishly good at.

One minute until showtime.

I fluff my skirt out as I bring up the Favorite Fans request. With a deep breath, I type one word.



Daddy555 immediately calls and with my face still way above the camera, my body appears on the screen. I’m not dumb enough to actually show my face when I’m doing this. Even if just one person found out, they’d definitely tell Isaac, and he’d definitely kill me.

Deep breath.

My cursor hovers over the answer button for one ring, two, three.


“Hi,” I say when I answer, twirling the end of one pigtail around my finger. I can’t see much of his face, only the stubble coating his jaw, and his pressed button down shirt, the sleeves rolled up to the elbows. His chest is broad, and he looks fit. In my mind, I’m imagining him hot as sin, and not a creepy man with a Daddy kink.

He leans forward, his arms shifting into view slightly. A second later, his words pop up in the chat box.


Hi, sweetheart.

My stomach bottoms out at the pet name. Isaac has been the only one to ever call me that, and panic sets in. I try to swallow past the sudden dryness in my throat, but I can’t.

“You don’t wanna talk?” I ask softly, trying not to fidget.

Could this be Isaac?

The thought flashes through me like a hot bolt of lightning, and I can’t get it out of my head. If he knows and he’s watching me…

No, he wouldn’t do this. If he found out about me doing this, he’d immediately drive home and give me a terrifying lecture. He wouldn’t pay me five-hundred dollars to call him Daddy and tell him I’ve been naughty.
