Page 40 of Sin With Me

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But he has been touchier than usual lately. Is that because he knows about this? Does he think I’m a whore and will be fine with any advances from anyone?

I know he’s lonely, he has to be. He hasn’t been with a woman since Mama, so he must be craving it. Even a stoic man like him isn’t immune to the natural desires everyone has.

But with me?

I try to shake that thought away, but I can’t. And it freaks me out. Not because I’m afraid of Isaac—far from it. But I’m terrified the thought doesn’t repulse me. That it doesn’t make me want to die.

I hate that it makes my body tingle and my pussy throb.


I just want to watch you.


You’re very beautiful.

“Thank you,” I breathe, not faking the blush creeping across my chest at the compliment.

I don’t get called beautiful often by these men. It’s usually hot, or sexy, or cute. Rarely beautiful.

“I wish I could see more of you.” I smooth my hand over my braid, eyeing the small amount of his body that I can see. He looks attractive, but with him mostly hidden, it’s hard to tell.


You’re one to talk.

“Sorry,” I say, laughing softly with a shrug. “I don’t show my face.”


I understand. It’s safer for the both of us this way.

He continues on before I can respond to that odd statement.


How was your day?

I know he’s not really asking me, he’s asking the fantasy version of me. I force myself to clear my throat and get into character.

“Promise you won’t get mad?” I ask, bunching my skirt in my fist, raising it higher on my legs as I feign fear.


I can’t promise that, sweetheart.

The word almost takes me out of it again, but then a sick thrill shoots through me.

What if this really is Isaac?


Tell me anyway.

I might as well make the show good for him.

I let out a long, dramatic sigh, and watch his mouth tuck up at the corner in a smirk. “Well,” I say, twirling my pigtail again. “I got detention today, but it wasn’t my fault.”
