Page 9 of Sin With Me

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It’s quiet.



“Are you okay?” he asks. My head jolts in his direction once more.

Shit. I really need to get it together.

“Sorry,” I murmur, rolling my shoulders back.

He scans my body quickly before his gaze snaps back to my face. Beneath the bright moon, I can see his pale cheeks turn pink. Kevin swallows audibly and coughs into his fist. I smirk, barely containing the inappropriate laugh bubbling up my throat.

Though I don’t know him super well, Kevin and I are friends. I guess. We were in the same grade growing up, and he attends our church with his family every Sunday. Teaches the boy's Bible study class at the same time I teach the girl’s. He’s quiet. Kinda nerdy, but nice.

When it’s clear he’s not going to do anything besides flick his stare between my face, my body, and the tall grass beneath us, I break the silence. “Did you need something?”

He palms the back of his neck, causing his red Polo shirt to lift high on his waist, exposing an underwhelming patch of light skin above his dark jean shorts.

Holy hell. Jorts. He’s wearing freaking jorts.

The alcohol-induced buzz makes itself known again, and a giggle pushes out of my throat before I can swallow it down. His eyes widen as I slap a hand over my mouth. He exhales roughly, giving me a lopsided smile.

“I was,” he murmurs, stumbling over his words. “I was wondering if—”

“If?” I press, wanting to get back to the house so I can hide away in my room and check emails. Or watch the fireworks from my window.


Maybe I’ll take advantage of the rare moment alone in the house and take a bubble bath with some candles, a smutty book, and my favorite vibrator.

My core clenches—fully on board with that idea. Me time. That will definitely help me forget and banish the weird mood I’ve been in all day.

I smile.

“Is that a yes?” Kevin asks, suddenly standing right in front of me.

I blink a few times, having completely forgotten he was even here. My mouth opens to disagree, unsure what the hell he’s even talking about, but the hopeful, excited look on his face is too much for me, and I find myself nodding slowly with an awkward shrug.

I have no idea what I just agreed to, but Kevin immediately grins widely and releases a noise that, if I’m not mistaken, sounds a hell of a lot like yippee.

What. The. Fuck. Have I gotten myself in to?

Kevin grips my hand, and unlike Clover’s balmy warmth, I find his clammy palm disturbingly gross. Before I can pull away, he’s tugging me toward the northern dock.

My heart picks up its pace, turning from slightly amused to panicked within seconds. When it’s clear the dock is Kevin’s intended location, I shake my head rapidly and pull him in the opposite direction without a word.

His bushy brows lift, but he doesn’t argue, letting me take the lead. I find a patch of grass that overlooks the lake, clear from any trees or obstructions.

“Uhh.” I clear my throat. I just want to go inside my house but I can’t now. I’m stuck. I gesture to the ground, assuming he came here to watch the show. “Is this cool?”

He nods eagerly and produces a blanket, seemingly from thin air. My eyes gape as he lays it out in the grass and takes a seat. Am I that damn preoccupied that I didn’t even notice the blanket?


I can’t back out now, not with him looking eagerly up at me.

Groaning internally, I primly take a seat next to him, tucking my legs beneath me and dropping my belongings to my side.
