Page 85 of Forever Entwined

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I see him run out the door and hear lots of clattering and banging. "It's fine if you can't find one," I shout out the door.

"Found it!," he shouts back.

A few moments later, he comes back carrying the tiniest hair dryer ever. "Here," he says, handing it to me. I don't want to seem ungrateful, but this thing looks ancient. Like it should be in your great grandma’s house.

"Thank you," I say, looking for a plug. I try twisting and attempting to dry my hair, but the cable is so short that I can barely get it over my own head. I continue trying and grunting before Nate finally comes and takes it off me. "Here, can I do it for you?" he asks.

"Do what? Dry my hair?" I question.Why would he want to dry my hair? I don't even want to do it. It's a pain.

"Sit down here," he says, motioning to the floor between his legs. I sit down, and he begins brushing and drying it carefully.

"Hmm, that’s nice," I try to say, but it comes out more like a moan.

"You're gonna have to stop that if you want me to continue," he purrs into my ear before nipping it slightly, causing me to jump.

"That's what you get," he says playfully, before continuing to dry my hair.

"I can't help it if it feels so nice," I say, looking up at him with a grin.

"All done," he replies proudly as he turns off the hair drier.

"Go see if it looks okay," he suggests.

I make my way to the mirror and have to stifle a laugh when I catch sight of my reflection. My hair somehow looks even more frizzy now than it did before. Where he seemed to have been brushing my hair randomly, it now pokes and flicks out in all different directions. I try to smooth down my hair, not wanting to admit he did a bad job, especially when I can see how proud of himself he is as he stands behind me looking into the mirror.

"Soo? Is it okay?"

"It's perfect. Thank you," I lie.



It's been a few months since Tucker's birthday, and Nate and my relationship has only gotten better and better since he started working on his anger and trauma with the therapist. He’s even opened up to Tucker, who has been a great support network for him.

Us girls are sitting in Riley and Harper's bedroom, eating popcorn, and doing our endless homework, as we do most days after school. The twins are lucky enough to share an entire basement conversion as their bedroom, so it's pretty big. This is where we all meet regularly for study sessions, which, let's be honest, should just be called gossip sessions. Especially on days like today, when the sun is shining and we haven't had a chance to catch up in a couple of days.I would much rather do this than boring history homework any day.

"So, what are your plans for next weekend, Izzy? Aren't your grandparents planning on going away?" quizzes Harper.

"Don't tell me you're deserting us to spend the weekend in the city with your parents," Riley pipes up, pointing her pencil at me.

"You've met them; they'd want me there about as much as I want to be there," I mutter.

"So what's the plan? Are you going to stay home alone?" "Do you want us to keep you company?" the twins ask.

"Oh, trust me, she'll have all the company she needs," Ava blurts out, clearly dying to share the gossip.

All three of them stare at me expectantly. "Come on, Izzy, spill the tea," Ava coaxes, nudging me.

"Why do YOU know the gossip and we don't?" Harper asks as she pretends to give Ava a side eye.

"Because I'M her best friend," Ava replies, sticking her tongue out.

"Oh, shut up. You're all my best friends. Ava just seems to be the nosiest," I retort, sticking my tongue back at her.

"Anyway, can someone please share the gossip before I throw these at both of you?" Harper threatens, picking up two pillows from the floor, ready to use them as weapons. "Don't think I won't."

"Fine, fine, I give in. So, I was thinking of inviting Nate over after school on Friday and having a little private sleepover," I admit, grabbing one of Harper's pillows and using it to hide my face.
