Page 97 of Tempests of Truth

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“Well!” She raised both eyebrows, looking him up and down. “Never did I think to hear such a thing from you. Maybe there really is hope you’ll turn into an asset to our kingdom.”

Nik’s lips twitched upward. “High praise, Master Augusta. I treasure it greatly.”

She let out a bark of laughter. “Go back to your young lady, Prince, and don’t go trying your charm on me.”

Nik glanced at me, his eyes sparkling. Unable to resist, I ran forward and threw myself into his arms. It didn’t matter about our audience or the drama of the last few hours. It might not be the right place, but I couldn’t wait. After everything we had feared and endured, Nik was accepted back into society. He had a future again.

He swept his arms around me, lifting me completely off the ground and pressing his lips against mine. Lost in my joy and relief, I kissed him back, nothing in my mind but Nik.

Until a moment later when I remembered our audience. When I squeaked, Nik broke off the kiss with a chuckle and put me down.

“If you don’t want all these important people to be scandalized,” he said, “you’ll have to let them know we’re going to be married.”

“Married?” I asked, the squeak reappearing.

For a second, a shadow marred the joy on his face. “You already know I want you in every part of my future,” he said. “I thought you felt the same way?”

“Of course I do,” I whispered. “But you just got reinstated as a prince. Aren’t there… protocols?”

He grinned, the light blazing back into his eyes and filling me with an answering warmth.

“We can do a formal introduction now, if you like.” He put an arm around my shoulders and turned me so we stood side to side, facing the group of bystanders. Phoenix chose that moment to swoop back in to land on my shoulder, as if lending his support to our union.

“This is Delphine,” Nik said, “a future master healer and my betrothed. Does anyone object?”

“Would it make a difference if we did?” Augusta muttered.

Nik grinned at her. “Not in the least. I think I’ve already demonstrated I can walk away from royal life if needed.”

“Wait a minute!” I gasped, his words bringing me back to earth. For a few minutes, I’d been thinking of nothing but Nik and the cloud that had been lifted off him, but I wasn’t ready for the future he was implying.

“What is it?” The concern on his face was instant.

“I…I don’t think I can be a princess and live at court and…” I glanced involuntarily toward the king and queen before quickly looking away.

Nik seemed to pick up on my meaning instantly. “Oh, is that all?” He looked relieved. “Don’t worry. If I learned anything in my time away, it’s that this isn’t the life for me anymore either. I don’t intend to settle at court.”

“Nik!” Queen Celestine looked at him with disappointment. “Surely you don’t intend to disappear again when we only just got you back? I know you were very unhappy with what happened after your arrival, but—”

“I’m not going to disappear, Mother.” He gave her an affectionate look. “Gia doesn’t live at court, but you still get to see her, don’t you?”

“Yes, I suppose.” She still didn’t look pleased, but her momentary panic had subsided.

“It’s not as if I have a role here,” he said. “I can do greater good in the rest of the kingdom, especially if I have Delphine by my side. I’ve done enough travel with Amara to know what it means to the smaller towns and villages to have a master mage come through. And we’ve all seen how close Tartora came to disaster because the capital wasn’t paying enough attention to the remoter parts of the kingdom. We need to increase the connection between the general populace outside the capital and the royal government. And what better way to do it than through a member of the king’s own family? Besides,” he added, “I am a plants mage after all. I belong in the farmlands, not in a city.”

“You’re suggesting you become an official royal emissary while fulfilling the same role as a traveling master?” the king clarified.

Nik looked down at me, still tucked against his side. “If Delphine agrees.”

“That sounds incredible,” I said, hardly able to believe he was suggesting something so perfect.

The king glanced toward the Triumvirate. Whatever he saw on their faces made him nod his head.

“Very well,” he said. “Once Delphine graduates, the two of you can take on that role. You’ll need to stay in the capital for a while, though. We need to show the court and Guild that you’ve been welcomed back and give them a chance to see you demonstrate your strength and control.”

Nik glanced at Amara who gave him a small smile.

“Delphine and I will also be based here for the time being while we assist Anka,” she told him.
