Page 98 of Tempests of Truth

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Nik looked back at the king. “In that case, I’d be more than happy to stay. I’d like to take some time for study while I’m here. If I’m going to take on the role of a traveling master, I might as well officially pass the mastery exam before I leave.”

Augusta’s eyebrows shot up. “I see you haven’t entirely lost your natural arrogance. You think you’ll be able to pass the mastery exam within a year of becoming a proficient? Are you trying to set a new record?”

He gave her a provocative look. “I suppose that depends how well you teach me over the coming year.”

She snorted, but I caught the answering gleam in her eyes. You didn’t become an affinity head unless you relished a challenge.

“I’m sorry to abandon you the moment I graduate,” I said to Amara, feeling a pang at the idea of leaving her.

“Don’t be silly,” she said. “Since I’ll be here in the capital, I’ll see you whenever you come back through. I’m actually relieved to know someone will be taking my place.”

“You’re finally going to settle down and stop all this roaming?” Anka’s eyes immediately jumped to Hayes, her expression becoming amused when she saw the way he was beaming at Amara. “I’m glad to see the two of you finally managed to sort things out.”

Her gaze shifted slightly to dwell for a moment on Colton. It flashed through my mind that perhaps one of the changes she wanted to see before she left the role of Royal Mage was a change in the Head of Healing. Master Colton had succeeded in activating the king’s wall, and for that I would always be grateful, but he hadn’t reacted well to the discovery of mesmerization. His desire had been to protect his affinity, but he had abandoned the ethos of a healer in his attempts to do it. Maybe it was time for someone with new vision to take on the role.

“Are you happy?” Nik’s quiet murmur made me forget all about the politics of the Triumvirate.

“I’ve never been happier,” I said honestly. “Would you really like to become a traveling master? You won’t miss the life of a prince?”

“Once upon a time I thought gaining the throne was all that mattered,” he said. “But now I would give up far more than a throne to have you by my side.”

“I don’t want you to have to sacrifice everything for me.”

He shook his head. “Even without you, I wouldn’t want to return to court. On Grey’s ship, you challenged me to find the role I’m supposed to fill—since it was never that of ruler. I didn’t know it then, but I think I’d already found that role while traveling the kingdom with you. Maybe it won’t be forever—like it hasn’t been for Amara—but it’s what I truly want for now. And if the time does come for something different—that’s a decision we’ll make together.”

“In that case,” I said, “there’s only one possible response.”

Grasping the front of his jacket in both hands, I lifted onto my toes and pressed my lips against his, sealing our promises with a kiss.


Igazed out the window at the changing leaves. Some trees were still entirely green, but others took my breath away with their fiery hues.

“I’m ready.”

I turned to see another breath-taking sight. Amara’s long, elegant gown trailed behind her by several feet, and her hair had been arranged on her head in an elaborate arrangement of braids and soft curls.

“You look beautiful,” I breathed, making her smile.

“Thank you for helping me prepare,” she said. “Both of you.”

Luna beamed back at her, her eyes misty with unshed tears. “I would have come from further than Calinara to be at Hayes’s wedding. Especially since he’s marrying you! I couldn’t have dreamed of a more perfect ending.”

Amara laughed. “I hope it’s not an ending! I like to think it’s a beginning.”

I chuckled as well. “You’re forgetting. Luna is the center of her own story, and she’s ready to leave us all behind.”

“That’s not true!” Luna cried, horrified, before she noticed we were both still grinning. Rolling her eyes, she pulled me into a hug. “I’ve missed you, Delphine!”

“Are you not enjoying it in Calinara as much as you’d hoped?” Amara asked.

“No, it’s not that. I love being back with my family, and it’s fascinating seeing the progress already made, as well as the new efforts underway. I just miss all of you at the same time.”

“I think that might be the secret to adulthood that everyone was keeping from us,” I said with a sigh. “You’re always missing someone.”

“I can see you’ve gained much wisdom since turning nineteen and becoming an adult.” Luna gave me a cheeky grin. “But who are you missing? I know it isn’t that prince of yours since I can’t turn around without tripping over him.”

“Her parents arrived yesterday,” Amara said softly.

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