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“Whatever. I don’t know what to call you—”

“Second of all… You really want me like this?”

Kevin shrugged, a blush creeping over his face. He threw the paper towels into the trash without looking, his focus on Percy’s wide smile. He grabbed Percy’s forearms, and his skin looked stark white against Percy’s crimson flesh. “I very, very fucking much do.”

“Then I’m all yours.” Percy’s smile grew and as a demon, his gold tooth was a long, glittering canine. “You can call me whatever you’d like, and I suppose I might be inclined to fuck you up against this filthy bathroom wall right now.” He slid his hands over Kevin’s back, drawing him in against his chest.

“I would definitely be into that.” Kevin’s cock thickened, and he grabbed Percy’s shoulders. “And the whole you being mine thing.” He pressed close, but he flinched when it caused the sword under his jacket to dig in. “Hold that thought.”

While Kevin pulled out the sword to lay across the sinks, Percy watched with a strange little smile. “When Sebastian was trying to cut off my head with one of those, the only thing—” His voice cracked, and he tried again. “The only thing that kept me going was thinking of you. The need to ensure your safety and long life as an absolutely phenomenal lay.”

Kevin quickly hugged Percy’s neck and bowed his head to rest their brows together. His chest was tight, and he swallowed down a lump in his throat. “I couldn’t let anything fucking happen to you. My sex life is finally, well, awesome. And not just the sex… buteverything.”

“Ditto, peaches.” Percy steered Kevin toward the wall, his bright eyes burning into Kevin’s. “I’d say a good bit of every part of my life is the better for knowing you. But especially experiencing your sweet, insatiable little hole.”

“Fuck, I love how you can be sweet and nasty at the same time.” Kevin’s heart was about to burst out of his chest, and he groaned as his back hit the wall.

“I think I need to ravage you in a most expedient and yet still pleasurable manner right this very second.”

Kevin rolled his hips forward, panting. “Fucking ravage away, my demon.”

Percy kissed him fiercely, and his fangs pricked Kevin’s tongue. “Pants down. Turn around.”

The order made Kevin whimper, and he obeyed without hesitation. His pulse was running at a thousand miles per minute, and he knew they had to be quick. The urgency just made him hotter, and he dropped his jeans and underwear in a bunch around his ankles as he turned to face the wall.

Percy yanked Kevin’s jacket off, and then he went for his shirt. He closed in behind him, and his hard cock slid between Kevin’s cheeks. His claws curled back into Kevin’s hips, and he dragged his teeth over Kevin’s neck. “Just breathe for me. I’m going to get you ready before I fuck you into the brick.”

Shuddering, Kevin pressed his ass back to grind on Percy’s cock. “Fuck…” He took a deep breath and tilted his head to give Percy more access to his throat. “I’m so fucking ready.”

“No.” Percy chuckled, and although his hands were clearly on Kevin’s hips, phantom fingers plunged inside Kevin’s hole, stretching him wide and spreading slick lube. “But you will be.”

Kevin groaned as his body opened up around Percy’s magical fingers, and he loved the deep ache. “Christ on a cracker… yes.”

“There you go,” Percy urged, the phantom fingers vanishing as he pushed the head of his dick up against Kevin’s hole. “Here, peaches. Here it is.”

Kevin sighed contentedly as Percy’s cock pressed inside of him, and he loved how hot it felt, like it could actually start a fire within his body. He reached back over his shoulder to grab one of Percy’s horns. “Percy!

Percy growled low, plunging deeper into Kevin’s asshole. He worked himself in inch by inch, fucking Kevin into the wall. His long tail curled around Kevin’s thigh, and the tip teased Kevin’s balls. There was something desperate in the way Percy was touching him, as if he simply couldn’t get enough of him and he had to be as connected as possible.

Kevin tried to keep quiet, but he failed horribly. The earnest thrust of Percy’s cock was drawing out helpless moans, and there was something incredibly sexy about Percy’s tail and the prick of his sharp claws. “Percy, f-fuck…” He rocked back for more, groaning as Percy buried the rest of his cock deep inside. “Just like that, just like that.”

Percy kissed the peak between Kevin’s shoulder blades as he fucked him relentlessly. Every brutal thrust created a new, searing friction that made Kevin’s knees tremble as surely as Percy’s deep growls did.

“There you go. There you go, peaches.” Percy snarled. “This is what you need, huh? To have your sweet little angelic hole fucked wide open?”

“Yes! Fuck!” Kevin slapped the wall with his free hand, the other still pulling on Percy’s horn. He humped the rough brick, desperate for any friction against his throbbing cock. “Fuck me, Percy. Come on! Fuck me!”

“I’ll fuck you…” Percy smothered his face into Kevin’s back, panting frantically as he plowed his ass. “I’ll fuck you forever, peaches.” He slid his arms around Kevin’s chest and grabbed his shoulders, his claws breaking skin as he pulled him back into every fierce slam.

“You fucking better!” Kevin cried out, completely helpless in the wake of Percy’s thorough fucking. Percy’s cock felt even bigger in his demonic form, and Kevin thought he might split right in half. The burning stretch and the merciless friction were absolute bliss.

“Come here. I need to see you.” Percy pulled out hastily so he could whirl Kevin around.

Kevin gasped as Percy hoisted him up on the wall, the rest of his clothing suddenly gone as Percy guided his legs around his waist. His loins surged with a spike of lust at how easily Percy manhandled him, and he whimpered, clinging to Percy’s shoulders as his big cock thrust back inside of him. He hugged Percy’s waist with his thighs, and his nails cut into Percy’s red flesh.

All of his terror from those awful moments when he thought he might lose Percy and the overwhelming desire to protect him suddenly crashed into him like a tidal wave, and he couldn’t possibly get close enough to Percy.

Percy’s gaze glowed with a brilliant fire as he stared in Kevin’s eyes, and he bared his sharp teeth. The difference in their height forced him to crane his head upward to claim a deep kiss, pushing his tongue into Kevin’s mouth as he bounced him on his cock.
