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The sudden rush made Kevin moan brokenly, and he grinded down on Percy’s thick cock. He sucked on Percy’s tongue and grabbed his horns, using them for leverage to slam himself down. “Mmm, f-fuck! Yeah!”

“Just like that, yeah! Just like that, peaches! Just. Like. That!” Percy punctuated his words with devastating thrusts, growling as his tail slithered up to wind itself around Kevin’s cock, giving it a tight squeeze.

“Percy!” Kevin shouted, his hips jerking up into Percy’s tail. He could barely fathom how hot that was, and the sensation was incredible. He loved being so full, and his very insides were throbbing. “Percy, yes… Oh fuck! That’s amazing!” He sobbed, clinging to whatever parts of Percy he could as he got fucked into next month. “Fuck, I love your tail.”

“Gonna come,” Percy grunted, his tail stroking Kevin’s dick faster. “Are you ready? You want my come, sweet little peaches?”

Kevin let go of Percy’s horns as he collapsed forward, smothering his face in Percy’s shoulder. He surrendered himself to Percy’s insane slams, and the pressure inside of his body was threatening to boil over. “Yes… Please! Come on. Give it to me!”

“Come on, get it! Fucking get it. I want you to come for me while I fill your sweet ass up!” Percy bit Kevin’s jaw, instantly drawing blood that he then eagerly lapped with a hungry groan. His savage pace never slowed, even as he came and pumped his hot load deep inside of Kevin. He fucked him impossibly faster, and his tail stroked Kevin’s cock at the same insane speed.

Kevin whimpered, his senses overwhelmed by the scalding surge deep inside of him, the coppery scent of his own blood, and the merciless friction on his cock. It all rose up in a rush that made him swear he was about to black out, and he came with a shout, his cock shooting between them in quick spurts.

Percy roared, and the mirrors and stall doors rattled. He reared back to watch Kevin climax, but his long tongue stretched to continue lapping at Kevin’s bloody jaw. He pounded Kevin through his climax, his come gushing out from around his thick cock. “Oh,peaches.”

“Princess,” Kevin sighed, still trembling. “Holy fuck, that was incredible.” He whimpered as more come dribbled out of him. Percy’s strong embrace was the only thing keeping him from melting into the floor. “You’re… amazing.”

“So are you. Absolutely stunning.” Percy held him tight.

“That was… wow.” Kevin couldn’t catch his breath, but he needed to kiss Percy. He pressed their lips together with a low whine, and he dragged his hands through Percy’s hair. “So fuckingwow.”

“If we weren’t on the run from demon hunters, I’d have you again.” Percy chuckled, bumping their noses together.

“Hey, there’s other truck stops.” Kevin laughed and kissed Percy’s cheek. His jaw burned where Percy had bitten him, and he loved it. He knew it was probably going to heal, but for now he could enjoy it.

“I…” Percy cleared his throat. “I’ve never had anything I was afraid to lose before. So, really, getting your wings back now almost feels selfish.”

“Why?” Kevin’s heart skipped a beat.

“Because if anything happened to you…” Percy closed his eyes, and he hugged Kevin closer. “I don’t think I’d handle it very well, all right? I’ve become more than a little fond of you. As long as I have a biscuit, you’ll have half. That sort of fond.”

Kevin’s heart zoomed into his throat, and he couldn’t remember ever feeling this way about anyone. He’d never had anyone of his own before, really and truly his, and he could not imagine one minute without Percy now.

“Sharing your food kinda fond? That’s pretty serious, huh,” Kevin teased, nuzzling against Percy’s jaw.

“Afraid so, peaches.”

“You’re not losing me. You’re pretty damn stuck with me now.”

“Good. Otherwise, I was just going to trap you in my house again.” Percy laughed, but then he winced.

Kevin frowned. “Hey, why don’t you put me down, huh?” Guilt pricked at his gut for letting Percy fuck him within an inch of his life while he was still clearly hurt. “Let me get you sorted out so you can rest, okay?”

“I’m fine,” Percy said quickly, though he pulled out so he could set Kevin down. He stayed close to kiss him passionately. “I’ll fuck you silly at the next stop.”

Kevin whimpered, both from the emotion in Percy’s kiss and being left so empty. “I’ll hold you to that.” He had zero intention of actually doing it now that he could see the sheer exhaustion in Percy’s face that he was trying so hard to hide. He kissed Percy again and caressed his cheek reverently. “Come on. Someone had to have heard that.”

“The sounds of our primal mating? Most definitely.” Percy winked as he shifted back to his human form. The remnants of blood still remained, and he squeezed Kevin’s hip before heading over to the sink. “Would you like to scrub my back?”

“Of course.” Kevin glanced down at his naked body. “As long as I can have my clothes back.”

“Strong maybe.”

Kevin was allowed to get dressed again once Percy was cleaned up, and they hurried back to the truck before the cops were called. He noticed immediately that Percy was moving slower than usual, and his snarky attitude had dimmed somewhat. They got back on the road, and Kevin didn’t stop unless it was for gas or food.

Despite all of Percy’s assurances that he was fine, Kevin was worried sick. His concern only grew when Percy cut his driving shift short in favor of stopping at a hotel to sleep and sleep was truly all they did. They hit the interstate again in the morning, but Percy didn’t seem any better even after a full night’s rest.

Kevin let Percy control the music, hoping it would lift his spirits, but Percy’s beloved Donna Summer wasn’t enough to perk him up.
