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Dean paused, shielding his eyes from the rain. “What?”

“Get the fuck away from the car! It’s a trap.”

The second Dean realized what Raven was saying his eyes widened. He turned to run as a light flashed somewhere near the woods and then another inside the car. The explosion blew the doors off the car. Theboomrattled the windows and Raven’s teeth, knocking him backward.

His ears were ringing and his temples ached, but he quickly pulled himself together. Stumbling for the door, he raced toward the plume of grey and black smoke curling up from the destroyed heap of metal. Rain stung his face. His breath created a cloud because he was panting so hard. He hurried through the smoking debris scattered in the grass and his heart whacked against his ribs when he found Dean lying face down. Not moving. Blood gushing from a wound on his leg and arm.

Raven gathered his logic.

His brother’s life depended on how fast he got to help.

Chapter One

Raven had his head bent over his white-knuckled fists staring at the stained floor, waiting for an update on Dean’s condition.

The event kept replaying in Raven’s mind. After the explosion, he found Dean with a weak pulse and seriously injured, bleeding profusely. Realizing how valuable time was in the critical situation, Raven used scraps of his shirt as a tourniquet to help stop the oozing of blood then slung Dean into the saddle. He rode like the wind toward the entrance of the mountain where paramedics were waiting. The next hour was a blur. Dean needed flown to a trauma center but they were afraid it would waste precious minutes so they decided on the local hospital where surgeons could get him stabilized. Once they arrived, they rushed him to the critical unit, and now Raven had no clue if his brother was still alive.

“Raven?” came Bend’s booming voice.

Raven looked down the corridor in time to see his brother, moving a lot like a Viking marching into battle, coming toward the lobby. People stepped out of his way.

Rip, LB, and Whiskey were close behind, all wearing similar dangerous expressions.

“What the hell happened out there?” Bend came to a stop, his hands clenched into tight fists.

Raven stood and waited for the rest of his brothers to join before he answered. “A bomb went off and Dean was hit with shrapnel. They took him straight back when we got here. I haven’t heard anything on his condition.”

“Damn!” LB muttered.

“What the hell were you two doing at Carol’s cabin?” Bend said in a low, menacing tone.

“I was following a hunch.” Raven rubbed his jaw. “The suspect had been there and he rigged an old car with an IED. I think the explosive was remotely detonated.” He explained how he saw something suspicious in the woods before the explosion.

Bend looked tired when he dropped down, his beefy frame almost too large for the chair, and his broad shoulders slumped. “I need to get out there and investigate the scene.”

“You should be with Chosen,” Rip said. “She could have that baby any minute.”

After a moment of thoughtful silence, Bend said, “I’m calling my buddy with ATF. They’ll need to investigate too. As for Chosen, I’m grateful she’s an understanding woman.”

“You miss the birth of your baby and she won’t be,” Whiskey said.

“You let me worry about that.” Bend stood and faced Raven. “Did you find any evidence to help us find the attacker?”

Raven shook his head. “Nothing. The bomb…he’s an amateur. There was a glitch—a hesitation in the detonation. Something tells me he wanted to do more damage. He knew we’d come there looking for him. It was an ambush.”

Bend slammed his palms to his hips, taking a moment. “So, we think he’s a local because he knows the area. He’s skilled enough in explosives to make one, but maybe this was his first go. He could have served in the military. Rip, can you get a list for me on everyone who is a veteran or active duty? ATF will need it too so let’s stay one step ahead of them until they take over.”

“I can do that.”

“Whiskey, I want your help up at the cabin. Don’t disturb anything but I need your eye for detail. See if you can find something. Even a bent blade of grass could be a clue. LB, I need you to get back out there on Snowbleed and search for the suspect but don’t put your life at risk. My guess is he scrambled to get off and left something. Nerves can make a suspect do stupid things and step off cliffs, or leave obvious clues. “We know he’s out there now we just need to catch him,” Bend said.

“What do I need to do?” Raven asked.

The lines around Bend’s eyes softened some. He laid his hand on Raven’s shoulder and squeezed. “Stay here and be Dean’s eyes and ears. Watch over him just in case our suspect wants to finish the job. You hear anything about his condition, call me immediately.”

Raven didn’t like to be grounded, but he also realized they needed someone close to protect their brother. The suspect could be lurking around any corner. Raven wanted to kick himself in the ass. He should have done better at keeping their youngest brother safe.

As the brothers dispersed, Bend stuck around. “This isn’t your fault.”
