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“I didn’t say it was,” Raven muttered.

“You didn’t need to. It could have just as easily been you back there in that room. Did you call Pa?”

“He’s on his way. He should be here any minute. You go and catch the man responsible for this. I’ll call you when I have news about Dean’s condition.”

Bend reluctantly left.

Raven couldn’t sit still. He stepped over to the vending machine, dropped some change in and pressed a button. Once the coffee was poured he grabbed the cup from the slot and took a long drink, burning his tongue. The joe was watered down, but he needed the caffeine. Going back to the lobby just in case the doctor came out with news, he sat down in a chair facing the hustle and bustle of nurses.

“Raven? I thought that was you.”

He looked up to find Ophelia Watson standing over his shoulder. He stood to welcome her with a friendly hug. They’d been close friends for years. “Everything okay?”

“Everything’s fine, except for my little brother. I swear I need to wrap him in a bubble suit. He was hurt at his new job over at the Mill.” She waved a hand through the air. “Anyway, what are you doing here?”

“Dean, he was in a bit of an accident himself earlier.”

“Oh no. Is he okay?” Concern crossed her features.

“I’m waiting to hear an update from the doctor.”

“Raven! There you are!” It was John Ryder who came rushing into the lobby almost knocking the cup of coffee out of Raven’s hand as John grabbed his shoulder. “What happened? Where’s Dean?” The man was breathless and looked frazzled.

“Pa, calm down. He’s in back. I’m waiting to hear something.” He turned to say something to Ophelia but she was gone.

“Is he alright?” John asked frantically.

“Come and have a seat. I’ll explain.”

Chapter Two

Two months later

“Where are you going?” Raven Ryder said to the blonde.

“Sorry, cowboy. I have a date. I can’t stay here all-night schooling you boys in playing darts.” Farrah shrugged on her jean jacket. Since the attack her bruises had healed and she seemed more herself.

He had no argument because she’d won most of the games. “Who’s the lucky guy?”

“Just someone I met when I least expected it.”

“Be careful. You have my number if you need me.”

She smiled. “Thank you, but I’ll be okay. It’s very sweet how you Ryders are like big brothers to me, but I won’t allow some coward who attacked me from behind to ruin my future. Look at Dean, he was almost killed in that explosion and he doesn’t harbor any anger.”

At the mention of his brother’s injuries, Raven cringed. The image of Dean being thrown by the blast still replayed in Raven’s mind. After a couple of surgeries, and lots of physical therapy, his brother was on the mend. He still walked with a cane but the specialist expected a full recovery in time. Unfortunately, the suspect had dropped off the face of the earth. Probably best for his well-being because if Raven, or any one of the Ryder cowboys, found him he’d be checking out the ravine up close and personally.

Hell, maybe he’d thrown himself into the ravine.

ATF had investigated the bomb and made an official statement that the homemade explosive device had been detonated remotely, just as Raven had suspected. There had been a default in the timing of the discharge, giving Dean just enough opportunity to get away from the car—distance that saved him from fatal injuries.

“I’m sorry we haven’t found him.”

Her smile faded. “Raven, do me a favor and move on from this. I know it must have been hard to watch what happened to Dean, but you helped save his life. You, Bend, and your brothers have exhausted all leads. I understand that, and so does Shelby. And look at her, she’s still as feisty as ever.” Farrah pointed at the young woman who was bopping around Crew and Brew earning the big tips. She looked happier than ever. He’d heard that she was planning her wedding.

Moving on from the incident would take recovery time. He threw a dart and hit the bullseye dead center.

“Too bad you didn’t show off those skills earlier,” she teased.

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