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She stopped stirring and licked the spoon before laying it aside. “No. I’m divorced. It was recently final.”

One brow lifted. “Oh.”

“Oh, what?”

He shrugged and the white T-shirt stretched across his wide chest. “That’s pretty fresh.”

“It depends on how you look at it. For me it feels like it was over a lifetime ago.”

He swiped off his hat and laid it on the seat beside his hip and gave his thick hair a quick finger comb. “Then consider this a congratulations.”

She adjusted herself in the worn seat. “My relationship with my ex had been over for years. I think we both just didn’t want to see the truth. It took his infidelity to make everything clear.”

“That stinks.”

She shredded a napkin in restless energy. “Even knowing we were in a bad place it still felt like a heavy betrayal.”

“Like my pa has always said, when one door closes a window opens.”

“Gray is married to her now and they’re expecting a baby.” She tucked one leg underneath her bottom. “Enough about him. What do folks do for fun around here?”

He scraped his short nails down his jaw. “Lots of things. When I have some time I like to fish.”

“Just fish?”

“Is there anything else needed?” One corner of his mouth quirked with a smile. She guessed he was teasing her. “Why don’t you just ask?”

“Ask what?”

“About the scar.” He held her gaze.

“I didn’t mean to stare.” She dropped her gaze to the wrinkled, healed skin on his temple. “I guess I’m curious.”

He stretched his legs under the table and their knees brushed. “It was a long time ago. A house fire.”

Parker felt her throat tighten. “A fire?”


“The scars aren’t very noticeable on your torso.” She realized she’d told on herself. His smile spread his lips. “I saw you, through the window. You were shirtless—painting and shirtless.” She felt painfully awkward.

“I thought I felt someone staring.” He crossed his arms over his chest.

“I’m sure I’m not the first or the last.” Realizing what her words sounded like, she sighed. “I meant, staring at you, not the scars.”

“I get you.”

She sipped her coffee. “Oh look, there’s our food.” The interruption couldn’t have come at a better time. Once the platter was placed in front of her and the server slipped away, Parker poked at a potato and popped it into her mouth, savoring the delicate spices.

“By the way, it doesn’t bother me. I know you noticed the scars the first time we met.” He dug into his eggs.

Reaching for a napkin from the holder, she wiped her fingers. A change of conversation was needed. “I fished once.”

“Once?” There was obvious humor in his tone.

“Shocking. Right?” She dug into her eggs.

“Very. You don’t come off as someone who enjoys outdoor activities.”
