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“Am I intruding?” she asked.

“No, not at all. This is Seabreeze and Yellow Bee.”

“They’re gorgeous.” Parker slid her hand through the slats of the fence and scratched Seabreeze’s head who amazingly didn’t shy away.

“For someone who knows nothing about animals they certainly do like you,” Raven said.

“I think I’ve always had a way with babies and animals. When I was a teen, I babysat for neighbors.” She leaned her shoulder against the rail. “I like him.” She jutted her chin toward the house.

“Yeah, Dean’s okay, but don’t believe anything he told you.” Raven propped his elbows on the top rail.

“He didn’t say much except that you have a plethora of bad jokes and snore like a freight train.”

Raven swiped off his hat and rubbed the back of his neck. “I bet he did.”

“Do you and all your brothers look so much alike?”

“People say we do but I don’t think so.” He looked out over the land. She could practically see his pride.

“Ouch.” She snapped her hand back.

“What’s wrong?”

“I think I have a splinter.”

He chuckled. “Good thing I’m here. I’m the splinter extraction master.” He wagged his brows.

“A master, huh?”.

“Can I take a look?”

Reluctantly, she rested her palm in his. “It looks like it’s pretty deep.”

Her hand felt so small and dainty in his much larger one. Her skin was as soft as a newborn horse’s fur. “I can see it. I’ll get it out.”

“With what?”

He could feel the sudden tension in her. “I won’t hurt you, at least not intentionally. The splinter isn’t too deep.” Her features softened and he found the trust in her expression that suddenly knocked him for a loop. His throat clogged and his heart picked up like a runaway train.



“You’re squeezing my hand. Is this some kind of tactic to take my mind off the sting of the splinter?”

He released his grip some. He didn’t respond because he didn’t think his voice would work. Focusing on the splinter, he finally managed to say, “Did you ever get hurt as a child?”

“I wrecked my bike once.” There was a noticeable breathlessness in her voice. “I had to have three stitches on my elbow, but outside of that, I wasn’t one of those kids that played rough. I bet you and your brothers always tested the rules and limits.”

“We certainly contributed to my ma’s grey hair, at least that’s what she always told us.” He held her slender hand, afraid if he squeezed too tight he might bruise her. Her nails were short and pale pink, and he had a strong image come to mind of her lying in his bed, her back arched, and those nails scraping his back…

Sweat beaded his temples and underneath his shirt.

He needed to keep his head in a safe zone.

“Do your parents both live here?”

“Pa does but Ma died years ago, back when I was a kid.” Now that they were heading into his personal life, he worked at the splinter more steadfastly.
