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Raven rubbed his chin, looking like he was processing what he should say. “I have a few ideas of my own for the farm. We can get some livestock and some horses in here. Hire trustworthy hands which means you won’t have to worry as much.”


Bonnie’s shoulders dipped. “That takes money which I don’t have. And you know I don’t know a thing about farming land. Flowers are what I know.”

“That’s where the town will help. With their help, and the Ryders, we can get this place back to where it once was.”

“And the greenhouse?”

Raven sighed. “I don’t know about the floral business, Bonnie. I know the farm business and I know I can work miracles.”

She patted his hand. “You and your family are good stock, boy. Thank you for all that you’ve done to help me so far. Now I want to speak to this kind lady alone.”


“Shoo, Raven.” She waved a thin, gnarled hand through the air.

Raven and John gave no objection. They got up and walked outside, closing the door behind them. As soon as the door clicked, Bonnie turned to Parker. “I want the complete truth. I can handle it. Are you only going out on a limb here to impress Raven?”

Parker blinked. “Why would I need to impress him?”

The woman bobbed one of her shoulders. “It appears you two are an item. Did he talk you into this?”

Laying her hands in her lap, Parker swallowed hard. “Bonnie, I’m being frank with you when I say the greenhouse is in trouble and I don’t know if I can do anything to save it. I’m willing to try, not because of Raven or anyone but you. Bonner’s Farm is beautiful. Your greenhouse is lovely. It’s apparent that you have a true talent, but it’s also obvious that you don’t know a thing about business.”

Bonnie snorted. “I won’t deny that.”

“And neither did your late husband.” Parker knew she had to be raw and upfront for Bonnie to trust her.

Several flickers of emotions crossed the woman’s seasoned face. “You’re right on that degree.”

“I don’t know a lot about flowers, but I know business and marketing. I don’t know how you’ve stayed in business as long as you have without the basics. A computer, internet access, marketing, an online presence. These are all simple tasks that are required in today’s market. I plan to make those changes for you, for the business.”

“I’m curious, is this thing between you and Raven just a chance of proximity? I know how you young folks are these days.” She gave a giggle. “Sex isn’t taboo. But I saw something in him. He wanted to protect you.”

Embarrassment lingered in Parker, but she needed to woman up and face the fire. “That’s truly not what I wanted the first impression to be. As far as Raven and I are concerned, what I can say is I like him. He’s been a big help to me since I arrived.”

Bonnie burst into laughter. “Yes, it would appear so.”

Parker’s cheeks warmed. “We didn’t…haven’t…we just allowed things to skip ahead…”

“Honey, I’m old but not senile. He’s a catch, and something tells me he thinks you are too. He’s a gentle soul. Has he told you about the fire?”

“Bits and pieces.” Parker thought they should stay focused on the details of the business, but a big part wanted to know more about the man she had been ready to sleep with just ten minutes ago.

“Let me tell you, he had always come to visit the bridge club I’m a member of to check upon us old ladies. Heck, we knew he was just making sure we were okay, but we were still flattered that he’d take time out of his busy day for a group of boring ladies. You see, he lost his momma a long time ago. She was part of the bridge club too and if I do say so, and I will, I think he felt closer to her hanging out with us old fools. He also enjoyed hearing our stories. I’m only saying, if you’re doing this is in any way to impress that boy, or thinking this is some kind of obligation to him, then stop right now.”

Parker held the woman’s soft gaze. “I assure you, if I wasn’t committed to helping I wouldn’t.”

“Edgar will see this as you being disloyal.”

This was something Parker had already thought over. “You let me handle him. Now, are you prepared to move forward? It’s going to take some work.”

“I think I have some spit and vinegar left in me. Why aren’t you taking the easy route and convincing me to sell? We both know it’ll probably still head that direction.”

Parker carefully monitored what she said. “Things are bad enough that the farm and business should have been sold long when the real estate market was more in your favor. I don’t take saying this lightly because this is your home. It’s always more dire when you live where you work. It’s twofold. If we can get you up from rock bottom, you should consider opening a floral shop in town, in addition to an online business. This gives people convenient access. The greenhouse, because of obvious reasons, can stay here, but you have to find a way to draw people here. You have a beautiful property, Bonnie. Use the land to the fullest advantage. Have holiday themed events. Town dances in the barn. Auction off flower arrangements. Maybe even have people in town create flower arrangements to auction off. There are many ways to earn cash as a side hustle. When I was walking yesterday, I thought how lovely it would be to use the area with the view of the mountains as a venue for weddings, parties, and other private events.”

“Whoa, slow down. You’re going to shut my brain down. This is a lot of work.”

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