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He chuckled. “No.”

“That was fast.”

He shrugged. “This is where I belong. Sometimes a man is engrained in a place.”

She tucked a piece of hair behind her ear. “I love this town, but I’m not a rancher or farmer.”

He looked down at her. His heart pounding. “Not everyone is.”

“Is this your way of asking me to move?” One brow lifted above her pale eyes.

“It’s my way of saying people can change locations when it’s for the right reasons.” He wasn’t sure how much of his feelings he should reveal. Honestly, he hadn’t had the time to explore every emotion and examine them. He knew he wanted to pursue things, but what the future held he wasn’t sure.

Looking at her profile, she seemed to be waiting for something. She stared at the mountain. All of this could be classified as unchartered waters. He wanted to ask her to stay, but he feared if he pressured her she might regret the decision. If she stayed, she needed to make that decision on her own.

“So, no relocating for you?”

“My life is here, Parker. I have responsibilities. My business. My family.”

“And I don’t have those things in Chicago?”

“You don’t have a job. No family in Chicago.” He felt like an asshole the second the words left his mouth.

Her eyes flickered around then back to him. “Maybe I’m putting too much into this.”


She pushed away from the hood. Rain drops landed on her cheeks. “I didn’t come here to find a relationship.”

“I never planned to be interested in a city girl,” he groaned.

“And yet here we are. Two stubborn people.”

“Damn.” He swiped off his hat and tossed it onto the hood.

“Why are we arguing? We’re two people who have chemistry, but it appears like we’ve come to an impasse.”

The words were said so lightly that it tweaked the hair on his nape. They didn’t know each other very well. Sure, he found her more interesting, stunning, unique, than anyone before her, but what did that mean if they didn’t see a future together?

“It seems like the facts go without saying.”

Her gaze narrowed. “Raven...”

“What?” He looked down at her, wishing he knew the right words.

“I’m not minimalizing what we shared.”

“Oh? My mistake.” God, he was ripping this goodbye into tattered shreds.

“You and I have never once talked about this being anything long term.”

“I don’t think we made it that far.” Who was he kidding? He started imagining a future with her in what…two weeks? Had he lost his mind? His logic?

“Yet you’re angry with me now.”

“I’m not angry. I’d never be angry with you.” Her pristine gaze seemed to burrow under his skin. “I’m annoyed at the situation.”

“I’m part of the situation.” She dropped her arms to her sides.

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