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She spun around. Her dad was standing on the stairs wearing only heart printed silk boxers that came down to his knees. “Yes, I did see it and could you please put some pants on?”

“Hey, I’m retired. Pants are an option not a requirement.”

“Okay.” She shrugged and shook her head. “Why did you buy an RV that’s as big as a house?”

“Your mom and I are going to travel,” he said proudly.

“And did you both just decide this?”

“Pretty much.” He smiled and met her near the window to give her a giant hug. Tears came to her eyes but she had them under control when he released her. “And we’re planning to take our first trip soon.”

“How soon?” she asked.


She slanted her chin. “Tonight? I just got here.”

“Sorry, but you didn’t exactly let us know your plans.” He had a point.

“Glad you both told me, Dad.”

“And you should have told your mom that you were coming. You never know what you might walk in on.”

“Can we please not traumatize your adult child.” She rotated and headed down the hall into the modern kitchen where her mom was sitting at the island. She was chomping on a piece of dry toast and scrolling through her phone. Four years ago, she’d decided to go vegan, take up yoga, and get profiles on social media.

“Dad told me you’re leaving tonight,” she said as she stepped in and opened the refrigerator, scanning the bare racks. Plant based meat was all she saw. “Do you people not eat?”

“We mostly eat out. We’re leaving because your father talked me into that atrocity in the driveway. I find it much like being in a tin can but he loves it. Reminds him of his college years I suppose. You should hear how much fuel that thing uses.” Rebecca shook her head in disgust. “At least I’ll get to visit my sister while we’re traveling.”

Ricky swept in and gave his wife a loving pat on the back. “You’re going to have lots of fun, dear. Just wait and see.”

“And so you say,” Rebecca rolled her eyes.

Parker grabbed an orange out of the bowl and leaned against the counter, starting to peel the fruit. “Why are you going to DeeDee’s?” Parker and her aunt got along great, but Rebecca and DeeDee butted heads often. They were close though and always had each other’s backs.

She laughed as if it was a joke. “She’s having work done again.” Rebecca gave a subtle point to her eyes.

“She likes the attention, I say.” Ricky groaned.

“I thought she just had her breasts done.”

“She did.” Rebecca situated her hands in front of her chest and widened her fingers to show an increase in cup size. “She wants to look younger. I told her when she married that retired rock star she’d come to regret it.”

“Why? Harry seems nice.” Parker popped an orange slice into her mouth. The juice burst in her mouth.

“But he’s fifteen years younger than her, sweetheart. Now that she’s sixty she’s searching for her youth and she’ll never find it.”

Ricky came over to grab a spoon and he ruffled Parker’s hair. She growled in frustration. “Dad, if you haven’t noticed, I’m no longer ten.”

His smile didn’t falter. “Honey, our daughter doesn’t like me wearing boxers around the house.” He winked at Parker.

“At least he bothered putting them on,” Rebecca laughed.

“I will definitely call before I show up the next time.” Parker cringed.

Although she pretended that their passion embarrassed her, she appreciated that after so many years they still loved each other. They’d been through some rough times but they always came back healthier and stronger.

“Honey, how are you after that A-hole screwed up?” Rebecca said without apology.
