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“Do you mean Gray?”

“Yeah, that one.” Rebecca wrinkled her nose.

“I’m okay. He’s married. They are having a baby. Then he found out the baby isn’t his. Now he’s planning to divorce her.”

Rebecca gasped “That dick.”

“Mom, please refrain from using that word.”

“Well, it’s true.” Rebecca shrugged unapologetically.

Ricky looked over the rims of his reading glasses. “I told you he wasn’t good enough.”

“Yeah, Dad. I know. Thanks for the reminder.”

Rebecca came over and dragged Parker in for a tight hug that she didn’t mind one bit. A girl never got too old for a hug from her mom. “We just love you, honey. We only want the best for you.”

“I know. I want the best for me too.” She sniffed back tears.

Later, after her parents took off on their spontaneous RV adventure, Parker strolled on the beach to watch the sunset.

She thought of Raven a lot.

She should call him.

She wanted to call him.

Then she remembered her cell phone was back at the house.

Jogging the rest of the way back to the house, by the time she made it she was panting. Taking the back steps two at a time she let out a tiny squeak when she saw who was standing at the door. His hat was pulled low on his forehead, and he looked like heaven.


He rotated and looked at her, several expressions crossing his clean-shaven face before his smile activated his deep dimples. “Hi, Parker.”

She crossed the cool tiles of the patio and dropped her flip flops that she’d been holding. “What are you doing here?”

“I hope it’s okay that I came without calling first.”

She took a short step. “Yes, but how did you know where to find me?”

“Bonnie and Ophelia told me. They said you have talked to them nearly every day since you left.”

“We’ve become quite good friends.” She wanted to dive into his arms, divulge that she’d been a complete idiot, but she couldn’t seem to get her feet, or voice, to work. They stared at each in silent emotion.

“I decided I needed a vacation. This place seemed right.”

“I thought you weren’t the type to stray too far from home.”

“Sometimes a man must chase after what he wants.” He gave her a cocky grin that made her nipples harden. “There’s something here that I find I don’t want to be without.”

“Is it the seafood?”

“Nope.” He dragged off his hat and his eyes glistened in the sunlight. Sweat beaded his temples.

“The blue skies?”

“Pretty, but nope.” He took a step.
