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A special thank you to Dianne K. for always being there as a friend, a leader, and rockin’ the shares.

I can never say thank you enough to my readers. Without you there would be no hot cowboys and the women who love them. Keep reading and I’ll keep writing.

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“Have you not heard from Sunny?”

Gianna Mosley resituated herself on the couch backstage at the studio of The Toni Todd Show. “He’s probably busy.” She saw her best friend’s skeptical expression which matched the sinking feeling in Gianna’s stomach. “What, Mallory?” There had been a lot of tension between her and Sunny lately.


“I know that look.” The hairs on the back of Gianna’s neck lifted. “Are you keeping something from me?”

“I do need to talk to you—”

The door burst open and a brunette wearing a headset popped her head in. “We’re getting ready to start, Miss Mosley.”

“Thanks. I’ll be out in a moment.” Turning her attention back to Mallory, Gianna asked, “What do you need to tell me?”

“Focus on the show. We’ll talk later.” She tucked her bottom lip in nervous habit.

Nodding, Gianna stood and smoothed out the wrinkles from her pencil skirt. “See you in just a bit.”

Following the producer down the corridor, she pointed to a red X taped to the floor. “Stand here until Miss Todd introduces you.” She gave Gianna an apologetic, sympathetic smile that made her instincts kick into gear. “You’ll step through the door and don’t forget to put on your headset.”

Since dating pro baseball player, Sunny Banks, she’d received countless invitations to talk shows and social galas. Everyone wanted to know what it was like to be engaged to someone as great as Sunny—and as handsome—who won hearts all over the country—the world.

Gianna had met the talk radio host, Toni, on several occasions and she’d seemed friendly enough, but there were times on her show she would turn belligerent, almost malicious toward guests. When finding out that Sunny’s publicist had scheduled Gianna for the show, she’d been leery, but the host had a lot of influence. Maybe the opportunity could help boost Gianna’s podcast ratings too.

Her cell buzzed from her pocket and she reached for it. She clicked on the message from Sunny…

Are you at the show? We need to talk before you go on.

She typed in a message and hit “send” just as the green recording light above the door flashed twice then turned solid red.

The cue music sounded.

The producer gave Gianna a gentle shove. “You’re on.”
