Page 44 of Say You'll Stay

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“Special…” It feels like a lie when I tell her, “No.”

“You hesitated.”

“I didn’t. Just doing the math on the matter.”

She smirks and sips her latte. “What about Beau? You two seemed awful chummy at the beach.”

“He is the only other person there that I knew. I’m not great at social things like that. He was kind enough to keep me company. That’s all.”

“Mm, hmm,” she says without a hint of subtly. “Well, he’s single, if that’s a concern—"

“It is not.”

“And he’s quite smart.”

“Good for him.”

Her smirk grows. “Just giving you shit. I’m sure hooking up with a client is the last thing on your mind. Although I will point out how much he was checking you out on Saturday. The whole time.”

I have no idea what to think about that. “Moving on?”

“Sure.” But the thought is there in her eyes. “One more thing though—

“Go ahead.”

“If you were to be interested in Beau—

“I am not.”

“But if you were, you’d be a hell of an upgrade, from what I’ve heard.”

My brow dips in confusion. “How’s that?”

“Beau has a thing for socialites who wear DKNY, but can’t spell it.”

I snort a laugh. “Ouch.”

“Exactly. So, if he dated a woman of substance, I think the family would be relieved.”

“Perhaps one day he will find her.” And that thought offers a pang of jealousy. Ridiculous, considering everything. But it is there, nonetheless. “Any chance of you and Cormac walking the aisle?”

She smiles and shrugs. “I have no idea. Never say never, right? But I’m opening a restaurant soon, and I have way too many irons in the fire to think about putting a wedding together.”

“Shifting from the future to the past, any idea why they hate the Cargills so much?”

“It’s hard to say, but I think it stems from their parents. Anytime the Cargills come up, Robert gets all weird and stiff. Saying things like, ‘Those people should learn to respect their betters.’”

“I didn’t peg him for that much of a snob.”

She shakes her head. “Normally, he isn’t. That’s what makes it so weird. I mean, the MacMillans are privileged people—obviously—but they aren’t jerks about it. Only when the Cargills come up. I don’t know why. I should bug Cormac until he tells me.”

Laughing, I shake my head. “Don’t do it on my account. He helped me with Beau yesterday.”

“Oh, yeah?”

“He took my side on the design of the resort. It’s a good thing, too, because Beau was getting on my last nerve.”

“He’s like that. Seriously, I don’t know how you can work with him. I would have strangled him a long time ago.”

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