Page 33 of Alien From Nowhere

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I have not been kissed the way she kissed me; that much is true.

“It’s because I have mating fever. My blood has changed. Thekaliinside is affecting me. And the saliva is new. It is only for you.”

“But you’ve never seen it happen?”

“No, I have never been in the room with a mated male ready to rut his female, because that is how you get anikanilodged in your throat,” I say.

She’s thinking too hard. Her eyes are looking past me, toward the bed. Is she thinking of being rutted? That is what the aphrodisiac is meant to do. But I have to be careful tonight; I can’t give her too much. I’ll pleasure her for her sake and not for mine. I won’t claim her without true consent, even if she begs me.

While I’m busy, she picks herself up and walks toward the bed.

“Korika, what are you—”

She grabs the room key from the small table beside the bed.

“When did you put this here?” she demands.

“Moments ago.”

She looks infuriated. How she manages to be anything other than a heap of sensual need right now is a wonder to me. How long will she be able to fight off the effects of the drug?

“How the fuck did you—”

I wiggle my fingers at her, flicker them behind my ear, and pull a credit out. It’s a fun trick I typically use to impress small children. I toss it at her, and she fumbles to catch the little bit of composite.

“I’m a pirate, remember?”

She pockets the credit and holds the key card tight in her fist, nostrils flaring.

“Leave it there, please. We’ll go out after the drug has run its course on you. I promise.”

The lights will have come on by the time I satisfy her needs and help the effects of this aphrodisiac pass. But instead of letting it go, Raina straightens her back.

“And the promise of a pirate means nothing,” she says. “I’m going now. Thanks for everything, but it’s way past time I leave.”

Then, while I’m still picking up my jaw, she marches toward the door.

Not again, I beg the spirit. It won’t do to grab her and force her to stay here. I watch her go, gritting my teeth. It is no small feat to fight the mating beast, which is screaming from within to pin her down and teach her who she belongs to. I’m sure my eyes are still raging black, and there’s no end in sight.

I count down from sixty taps before I pick up my comm and call the hotel service.

“The name on my room is La’Nira. I’d like to request that you send up a second key card.”

Once the key card arrives in the receiver bin, I head down to the ground level and begin tracking my mate. The smell of her cunt alone is enough to drive me. With the strength of mykali, I can sense it lingering in the air where she passed moments ago. It riles me up, especially when I know she is heading out into crowded streets alone with her body already primed for mating. At this rate, I’ll be slitting the throat of any passersby that look too long at her.

I track her to the closest kiosk, where she is tapping away. I lurk behind a nearby column support for the dome. She seems to be accessing the station map, but she’s struggling with the user interface. I suppress a laugh. I find her childish lack of technological prowess adorable.

The way she’s pressing her thighs together makes me salivate. It takes every particle of my self-control not to throw her over my shoulder and carry her away, just like the day I laid eyes on her.

She leaves the kiosk, her speed faltering. I follow her from a distance as she heads toward the main pathway that cuts straight through the station marketplace. She has a plan, and she’s determined.

I can tell she has lived in a city by the way she ignores people who pass by her in the street, even when one of them stops to beg her for money. She breezes by like she heard nothing.

Before she reaches the juncture to the marketplace, she slows to a stop at a blinking sign that says, “Credits.”

I sigh, watching her pant as she approaches the service bot at the window. Her sensual perfume is stronger than ever. She leans awkwardly against the counter as if staying upright is difficult.

Impatient rutting female, I think. She could not wait until light to do these errands? She doesn’t want a companion to accompany her? She’s independent to a fault.
