Page 90 of Alien From Nowhere

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We begin to circle each other, at first with our palms touching and then slowly backing away. A mischievous look overtakes her face, and her cheeks start to pinken. We will dance for an unplanned amount of time. I must follow her lead until she decides to run.

And just like every male I’ve watched perform this happy ritual; my eyes begin to turn black. Theamma’kacomes alive. The mating beast inside knows it will soon have to pounce.

The ruckus created in the crowd by the bouquet catch has died down as everyone watches the highlight of the evening.

“I’m going to make you work,” she says, changing the direction of our circling. It’s becoming more predatory now, as I watch her movements with increasing anticipation.

“I would expect nothing less.”

She smirks. “Are you sure you’re well enough for this?”

I huff. “Of course, I—”

Then she runs. She tosses her hair accessory, hikes up her skirt, and sprints into the garden. The crowd bursts into cheers and words of encouragement as I run off after her, mentally cursing myself for falling for such a silly trick.

When I pass through the main entrance, I catch a glimpse of her rounding the corner. I grin. There she goes.

My mind focuses on her naked thighs pumping hard in her effort to escape me. That tempting brown skin is enough to spike my hormones. I follow her, not holding back my speed.

She shrieks when I almost catch up to her just as she plunges into thicker greenery. That scream ends in laughter, and then she disappears. This part of the garden is overgrown with dangling vines that obscure the direction of the winding paths. But I can hear the soft jingling of her dress as the chains rattle against each other.

I follow on instinct, expecting to find her each time I throw back a curtain of vines or turn a new corner. The distant sounds of the celebration grow softer and softer as we head deeper into the gardens. The rustling of leaves, quiet panting, and little giggles give her away each time I think I’ve lost track of her. But sheismaking me work for it.

I finally burst into a walled alcove where blooms climb a hidden fountain. This space appears to only have one way in and one way out. I smell her nearby. The distinct scent of her arousal has been building slowly, just as my own mating desires are reaching their peak. My cock is hard and aching. I won’t hesitate once I have her beneath me.

There is a waist-high overgrowth of ferns surrounding me. She must be hidden below.

“Ti kaia,” I purr into the brush as I breathe deeply, seeking her scent. “Since when were you the hiding type?”

A giggle rings out behind me. I whip around, catching sight of her rushing back out the way she came in.

I come close to snatching her arm, but she bolts, panting too hard to scream this time.

“Give it up, Raina,” I taunt her, back on her trail with ease now. She doesn’t seem to know the way anymore. Whatever knowledge of the gardens she gained while staying here has been maxed out. Her choices at the forked paths are more erratic, and I stay at a steady jog behind her, waiting for the perfect moment to strike.

She’s had her fun. Now it’s my turn.

When she comes upon an open field where wildflowers and tall grasses grow, she puts on speed. I didn’t realize she still had sprints in her. But I choose this place to make my attack. With a growl, I close the distance between us and pounce on her. Her legs are strong, but mine are longer.

Both of us are breathing hard when we land; we’re both trembling from the exertion and excitement.

She struggles for a moment, half-laughing, half-panting as she attempts to slither out of my grip. I pin her, shamelessly pressing my hard cock against her ass while she squirms.

“You are mine now,” I rasp. “Time to yield.”

Her skirt slides easily out of my way, bunching at her waist. I thrust inside her. There’s no hint of resistance; her cunt is wet for me already.

She arches her back, gasping.

“What? No foreplay?” She teases me even though she’s writhing with pleasure beneath me.

I roll my hips into her, eliciting a sweet moan.

“Your cunt is begging for me.” I thrust into her slowly but steadily, rolling my hips each time just like she likes. “You were thinking of this all day and while you ran from me.”

I give her no time to catch her breath. Her moans are ragged and panting.

“So wet,” I hiss, sinking deep into her.
