Page 91 of Alien From Nowhere

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“Yessss,” she whines as I bottom out inside her and grind against her ass. Every hint of her mischief and teasing is gone in an instant.

“Tell me. Who does this body belong to?”

I slam into her harder. She screams.

“Niko!” She presses herself back, meeting my strokes with her own rocking. The rhythm of our friction lights me up until I’m groaning. As she loses herself to an approaching orgasm, her movements become jerky. She throws her head back, and for once, she has enough hair for me to grab. I catch her by the scalp and gather up the soft strands. They’ve perfumed her, added braids with red ribbons, and decorated her part with some shimmery dust. All that work just so I could take hold of it all and pull her closer.

She makes a noise close to a growl. Her back meets my chest.

“Howl all you want,ti kaia. You are mine to tame.”

I pound into her and bite at her earlobe. I won’t stop until her little cries turn to screams of pleasure. I will make her come on my cock again and again until she can no longer think. We will mate as the spirit intended, in the closest thing to a forest that this hidden void of space can provide.



Niko fucksme in the small meadow of the palace gardens for so long that my legs start to lose feeling. The beautiful garment that Lalo made has long since been discarded, along with Niko’s loincloth. After the third orgasm, every sensation has blurred into one long blaze of passion.

When we began, I was meeting his thrusts and grinding against him, but by the time he comes closer to finishing, my spirit has flagged. I let him use me, lying flat on my back now as he folds up my knees and drives into me. His energy seems unending. But soon he climaxes, emptying himself inside me with groans of male satisfaction.

We collapse together, laughing more and rolling together in the soft grass. We’ve made an indent here, squashing down a whole section of wildflowers, but Niko assures me it doesn’t matter.

“The garden is ours tonight. No one would interrupt us here. And when we return to the party, we can sneak back here whenever the mood strikes.” He grins as if he has every intention for the mood to strike again.

“I think I’ll need some time,” I sigh, resting my head on his chest before realizing my cheek is going to lift off his red and blue powders.

“Oh no,” I mutter, sitting up. “Is it all over my face?”

His grin widens. “Yes. But it’s perfect. It’s expected.”

A glance over my shoulder reveals the powder is staining my back, shoulders, and even the top of my ass.

“Should we rejoin the others?” Niko asks. “I’m sure they’re eager to congratulate us and pour some drinks.”

We can hear the party in the distance; it’s gotten louder and louder. I never once felt like the crowd of attendees was listening in on our intimacy, because as soon as our chase began, there were cheers and music. Niko explained that the couple of honor is left to their own devices on their special day. We have no obligation to return at all.

But Niko has been missed, and he’s been on the mend for the past few days. The Kar’Kali healers put him under strict orders after his decision to climb out of the regen, strain himself by carrying me, and collapse in the royal bathing rooms.

“Yes,” I agree. “You just have to help me get my dress back on.”

When we’re both clothed, we take our time walking out of the garden. I stop near the entry to pick up the veil and comb I had tossed. I hadn’t wanted to ruin the veil once I made a run for the more overgrown areas of the garden. I scoped the place out once I learned what the mating ceremony entailed. I knew I needed a plan if I wanted to give Niko a hard time. The man is huge, almost seven feet tall. I have a feeling that if he really felt like it, he could have caught me the moment it started. I thought the whole idea of a chase was weird at first, but I wasn’t prepared for how fun it was. I couldn’t help laughing as I sprinted through the vines and flowers and hid behind hedges to evade him. I’ve never felt so free, so completely disconnected from our modern world. Running like that and then being essentially mounted like an animal . . . There was no thought required, only instinct.

There are tables set up in the plaza outside the palace entry doors. The Kar’Kali are dancing and drinking at the center of the floor, carrying around plates of food and laughing with their friends and family. It seems no different from an Earth wedding in that way. When some from the crowd notice our approach, they call out for everyone’s attention. Lalo rushes forward to greet us, abandoning the tray of skewered meat she was distributing.

“Niko and Raina, I have not seen such a joyous party in so many years! Come, come, you must join the dancing.” She kisses my cheek, carefully avoiding the stains. “Here are some slippers, my heart. When the males get drunk, they’ll step on your toes.”

Up until now, I’ve been barefoot, as the traditional mating ceremony calls for. But it seems that Lalo thinks of everything. I’ve never been emotional over a pair of shoes, but as she places them on the floor directly in front of my feet, I realize how much I’ve wanted someone to care about me like this. I thought I had moved on from the craving when adulthood came. I step into the embroidered fabric slippers and throw my arms around her.

When we part from the embrace, Niko’s watching us with smiling eyes.

We are plunged into the gathering, receiving congratulations and blessings as we move through the crowd. No one mentions our disheveled appearances. Drinks are placed in our hands, and I swallow the burning liquors without question. It’s a time to celebrate, and it’s been a helluva long time since I really let loose.

Mak, the king himself, is at the center of the dance floor, tearing it up. I should have known he was the type to party hard, but I still find it odd that “royalty” would act so casually. We dance, and the Kar’Kali try to teach me their moves, laughing when I fail miserably. Niko jokes that only I could be so athletic and yet so uncoordinated. We steal away to find food, starving after sweating both in the gardens and on the dance floor. Everything I consume tastes divine, a combination of Lalo’s homestyle cooking and fancy delicacies from Lakkavi’s restaurant on Station City. All the liquor has been provided by the king, who claims that he stole it from an Azza general’s personal collection.

“This makes it all the more delicious to consume during a Kar’Kali mating ceremony,” Mak quips as he offers me another glass.

“On Earth, we make a toast and clink our glasses together,” I say, holding mine out to demonstrate.
