Page 98 of Alien From Ashes

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“I hear you’re officially accepting my bid to make you an old training master, eh?” Makiva claps a hand on my shoulder.

“I can change my mind if you piss me off,” I remind him. “But Kaye was pleased with the idea of moving to Kar’Kal. I’ll get her some place with land to make up for the farm I was partially responsible for her leaving behind.”

“A lovely idea. I’m happy to see you happy, Koko. Finally, truly happy.” My friend’s face is writ with joy. He’s brimming with excitement to start fresh on Kar’Kal, to get us all settled in to take control of our planet.

“I’ll need you to—” Mak’s next statement cuts off as his eyes shoot wide. “Rutting mutt— NISI!”

I whip around as he dashes toward Frankie’s regen station. Kaye squeals, and I realize that Nisi has stood up on her hind legs with her front paws on the edge of the regen bath.

“Um… Mak?” Niko calls, trying to haul Nisi away and failing miserably. The kaia seems determined to sniff the regen goo. When Niko grabs her neck scruff, she growls so loud it calls the attention of everyone in the room.

Mak skids to a stop beside his pet as I make my way behind him. Kaye has stepped out of the way, so I stand beside her, draping my arm around her shoulder.

“He’ll deal with it,” I assure her. “Frankie will be fine.”

“Down,” Mak commands, his low tone sending Nisi’s ears flat against her head. But she doesn’t get down. She whines at him. “You’re going to be very embarrassed if I carry your fluffy behind out of here…”

Mak’s voice trails off. He gazes down at the regen bath.

“Oh no,” I whisper, sensing it immediately.

We’re all watching as his eyes widen slowly. His pupils start to grow and grow until only black remains. He reaches into the bath and lifts out her pale hand, staring at it. Nisina hops down onto all fours again of her own volition and starts pacing beside Mak as if nothing is wrong. Her tongue wags out of her mouth happily.

I lock eyes with Niko.

What do we do?he mouths at me. I don’t have an answer.

“My queen,” Mak breathes out, nostrils flaring in disbelief. “My mate… has been laying here all this time?”

Kaye steps forward. “Frankie’s status is unclear right now,” she explains gently. “We don’t know when she’ll wake up.”

Stricken, Mak laces his fingers with the human’s limp ones. With that, he takes a seat in the spot that Kaye abandoned.

“Then this is where you’ll find me until she does.”
