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“Yes,” she practically sobbed, nodding her head ardently before her back arched in desperation, a sob escaping her throat. “Please, Ez, I need it.”

Ezul smirked. He would give her whatever she wanted.

Chapter 6

Cordelia’slidswereheavyas she pried her eyes open, squinting into the abyss of the dark cave. She didn’t remember falling asleep, but she must have drifted off after Ezul had given her a few more orgasms.

Now she was laying on her side, her Aragnokan lover pressed into her back, his presence comforting as she took in her surroundings.

The purple glow from the plants helped her eyes adjust after a few slow blinks. A few more and some different sensations filtered in.

She was incredibly sore. Her muscles ached, her pussy throbbed, and she had bruises and love marks all over her from Ezul’s handling. She didn’t feel overwhelmed by the pollen anymore, though, which was amazing.

But what exactly had woken her up?

Cordelia moved. Or tried to. But Ezul’s arms were wrapped securely around her waist, one hand cupping her breast while the other was splayed over her groin, thick fingers possessively nestled against her clit, almost as if he was ready to tend to her at a moment’s notice.

The warmth of his body and the gentle purr emanating from him almost lulled her right back to sleep. Drowsiness crept in, but Cordelia forced it back, taking a look around.

Wariness was her new friend, especially given their circumstances. She strained her ears, hoping to hear something other than the steady, comforting noises coming from Ezul. Any noise that would alert her to whatever threat might be lurking nearby.

Something had woken her, and she was determined to figure out what.

More leilings, maybe? Some other unknown monster she hadn’t encountered yet? What other creatures could be hidden within the cavern, waiting to consume her as a human snack?

A deep, frightening growl filled the air, the force of it so strong that it physically rattled Cordelia.

She clutched her stomach, the tension in her body easing with a roll of her eyes. Of course hunger had woken her. When was the last time she’d eaten anything? She remembered having a light lunch in the harem. She’d been too nervous before her daring escape to eat much, and had skipped dinner altogether.

If she’d known she was going to have tons of sex over the course of two days, she would have eaten until she was stuffed, just to fuel her body.

The thought of food had her stomach cramping painfully, another loud growl filling the air.

Ezul shot up beside her. Mist spilled from his hands and arms, sliding over her protectively. He vibrated with a cool fury, popping up into a crouch as he monitored their surroundings.


Ezul turned to her, his features softening, eyes flashing white. “Are you well?”

Cordelia nodded, holding out a hand. She’d worry about food after a few more hours of sleep. “Come lay back down.”

Not wasting a second, Ezul took her hand, allowing her to gently guide him down. He lay on his back, pulling her into his arms until she was snuggled into his side, one leg draped over his.

Clawed fingers sifted through her hair, massaging her scalp with a tenderness that made her heart ache.

“How are you feeling? Is the pollen still affecting you?”

“Not that I can tell,” she admitted reluctantly. Now that he knew she was fine, he’d probably jump up and tell her it was time to go.

Except… Ezul remained silent, holding her more protectively against him. As the minutes ticked by, it became apparent that neither of them would be returning to sleep.

Cordelia tilted her head on his chest to take in Ezul’s features, not realizing she was staring at him like a weirdo until he eyed her skeptically. “Is something wrong?”

Desperate to come up with an answer, Cordelia blurted out the first thing she could think of. “So why do you have a barb?”

His brows rose, and she nearly slapped herself in the face, embarrassment heating her cheeks.

Of all the damn things to ask, you decide to mention his barb?
