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Huffing, Ezul answered. “Warriors are all different on some level. Whether it comes to our powers or our bodies. I cannot speak for others regarding their genitalia, but my barb has always been a part of me.”

“And what you said about it earlier… It’s never come out before?”

Ezul shook his head. “No. Only with you.”

“Then how did you know it even existed?”

“When someone is born a warrior, they are evaluated as an infant, at the age of ten, and then again when they have completed their training. The barb was discovered in my infancy through technology in a medical facility.”

“Like an MRI? Or an x-ray?”

“I am unsure what they are.”

Cordelia sat up more fully, her hands finding purchase on his chest. “It’s where you use technology to see inside someone without having to cut them open. Whether it’s muscles or bones.”

“I forget how primitive Earth is until you say things like, ‘cut them open’,” Ezul replied with a grimace. “Has that been done to you?”

“Well, Ididget my wisdom teeth removed when I was younger, but that’s not super invasive. They cut into your gums and extract your teeth before stitching up the wound. It’s not exactly the same thing.”

Ezul snarled at the mention of her surgery, sitting up as well.

“Here you will not have to experience something so barbaric if you require treatment. There are special pods resembling beds that can heal any number of wounds. Only severe injuries would need deeper treatment, and even that is less invasive than what you describe.”

“That’s good to know, I guess.” Not that she was hoping to experience any hospital visits first-hand. She hated hospitals. She’d already visited a medical facility here after moving into the harem. It hadn’t taken very long, and she hadn’t even had her blood drawn, but she’d hated being there all the same.

“I noticed that you and Sahin have the same glowing veins and skin, while others don’t. Is that something that dictates you’re a warrior?”

Ezul nodded. “Yes, it is typically the first sign that one is a warrior, though some, like Sahin, will also be born with other physical differences.”

“I see. We don’t have anything like that on Earth.”

Ezul paused for a moment. “And yet you long to return. Is there someone waiting for you there?”

Cordelia shook her head, looking away from him as emotion clogged her throat. “No. I don’t even know if anyone realizes I’m missing. I wasn’t working when I was taken, and I usually keep to myself.”

Part of her wanted to open up, to tell him that a few years ago the answer would have been much different. She had a life, people who loved her. A family who would have known within hours if she’d disappeared.

But it seemed like too morose a topic to touch on, so she didn’t.

“I did not realize you were alone in the world,” he said softly. “I would never wish that for you, Cordelia.”

Just then, her stomach unleashed a fierce growl.

“You’re hungry,” Ezul said gruffly with an irritated huff. “We should leave here. I do not wish to risk your health.”

Standing, he slid his leather pants on, which had apparently been crumpled up on the ground nearby, followed by his boots and leather breastplate.

Eyeing her own tattered garments, which she’d been using as a pillow, Cordelia snatched up the dress, sliding it over her head.

It had been futile enough at concealing her body before, but now that Ezul had ripped it in several places, there was almost no point in wearing it at all.

Ezul helped her to her feet, adjusting the gown as much as he could without tearing it further until he was satisfied with his work.

Taking a single step, Cordelia’s legs almost buckled. Ezul caught her, and she winced as her core clenched, bending slightly to alleviate a cramp.

“What is the matter? You are injured?” Ezul asked frantically, running his hands over the length of her body in search of some mysterious wound.

Cordelia took a deep breath, straightening after a few moments.
