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“Enough, Komel,” a taller guard said wearily, his gaze locked onto the holoscreen at the front of their transport. The screen appeared like some sort of map. It looked like a live feed of their surroundings, with red and green lines traced over the top, showing the best routes to their destination. “Leave the female alone.”

“I want her,” Komel stated, moving back to his post. “Surely if she can stand a warrior beast, she can take someone worth a higher caliber.”

The other guards around them remained silent, either oblivious to what was happening or uncaring that Komel clearly had some sort of superiority complex.

“Excuse me?” Cordelia shook her head in furious disbelief. “I wouldn’t touch you even if you paid me.” The asshole! And‘a higher caliber?’ Ezul was a freakingwarriorwithpowers.Cordelia had no doubt Komel wouldn’t be talking shit if her alien was alert. and snarling in his direction.

Actually, Ezul wouldn’t even need to snarl. One look would incinerate Komel on the spot, the pervert.

She glanced back down at her warrior, shaking him discreetly.

Why won’t he wake up?

Komel’s expression shifted from appreciative to hostile. Before she had time to react, the guard had stalked back over to her. He grabbed her chin in a painful grip, heat emanating from his touch as though he were on fire.

Cordelia yelped at the contact. Ezul shifted at her cry and Komel snatched his hand away, glaring at her as if Cordelia was to blame for his own actions.

She palmed her chin, expecting to feel raised skin or tenderness, but it felt fine. Smooth.

Why did his touch hurt?

“You know better than to administer physical contact with one of the harem without consent,” the other guard admonished, ushering Komel away from Cordelia. “It is not proper.”

“Enough, Zenfur. She is clearly in need. Is it not my duty to service her?”

A small tremor ran through Cordelia at the nonchalant way Komel spoke about her. Like she was an object he could do whatever he wanted with. If that creep came near her again, she wouldn’t need Ezul to kick his ass, because she’d do it herself.

Her hands returned to Ezul, some of the pressure in her womb abating when she touched an exposed part of his chest not concealed by his breastplate. Her tremor eased up, the cramping stopped, and his presence grounded her.

The transport came to a soft stop and Cordelia swallowed thickly as several guards approached from the other side of the vehicle.

Zenfur nodded at Cordelia. “You may come with us easily, or we can neutralize you as we have done to the warrior and force your compliance.”

Komel’s eyes gleamed in delight as Zenfur mentioned neutralizing her, and the sight caused bile to rise in her throat. Of course, the pervert wanted her unconscious.

Her hands curled against Ezul’s chest to keep the panic from rising.

“What will you do with Ezul?” she asked nervously, hating how small she sounded. How fragile. Where was the boss-ass bitch she’d been channeling before?

Zenfur looked down at her hands, still holding Ezul protectively, his face softening in understanding. “The warrior will need to be submitted for questioning once he awakens. It is not wise for one to steal from the government.”

“He didn’t do anything wrong though, and he didn’t steal me,” Cordelia repeated, her voice tight with worry. “Who do I need to talk to in order to absolve him of this accusation?”

Wasn’t his dad someone important? God, why didn’t she know anyone on this damn planet?

“Come with us to the harem and I can send a representative to consult with you regarding your abduction.”

Cordelia rolled her eyes. Why wouldn’t they listen to her?

Hesitantly, she stood, placing Ezul’s head gently on the seat. She kept the blanket secured around her body, the material chafing her skin. Her heart beat painfully with each step she took away from Ezul as she allowed Zenfur to usher her from the vehicle.

Leaving him felt like a mistake.

The walk back into the capitol building, and subsequently her prison, felt like a death march. Her bare feet were cold, and the blanket did nothing to keep a chill from spreading throughout her body as her womb cramped painfully again.

She honestly didn’t know how she was moving as quickly as she was. Maybe she was just on autopilot, but Cordelia couldn’t help but feel like every step she took away from Ezul only caused her more discomfort. More pain.

Don’t be ridiculous; you’re just sad.
