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“What!” Ezul bellowed, only to pause. “Oh. Brother, I did not expect you.”

Sahin stood proudly before him, wearing leather much the same as Ezul’s. His brother was shirtless, though, a necessity since he had several tendrils wrapped around his torso. Attached to Sahin’s spine, they acted as weapons, which he was very adept at utilizing in a fight.

“I attempted to reach you via your communicator, but it appears to be offline.”

Ezul rolled his eyes. “I’ve had no time to charge it as I’ve been occupied the past several days.”

“I heard,” Sahin replied, stepping inside his home. It was only as his hulking frame shifted that Ezul realized he hadn’t come alone.

Delilah smiled happily at Ezul, holding Sahin’s hand as he pulled her inside after him. The door slid closed.

“We both heard, actually. How are you doing?” Delilah asked.

Ezul stared at the pair before him, uneasy with the emotion of jealousy that suddenly consumed him. They appeared utterly content and devoted to one another, something Ezul fiercely craved now that he’d had a glimpse of what that could feel like while he had been with Cordelia.

He wanted his Runa, here in his home. With him.

He shook his head at his own glum emotions, furious with himself for even harboring a moment of anger at Sahin for finding happiness.

“I am as expected,” Ezul answered stiffly, ushering them into his home.

They gathered around a small table in his serving quarters. Sahin and he took a seat while Delilah wandered about his home oohing and aahing at things he considered mundane.

Her excitement was nearly contagious, and he couldn’t help but picture Cordelia inspecting his space. Would she be just as enthralled by his home?

“Father reached out to me and explained your situation. He also informed me you were a terrible liar. What happened?” Sahin held up his palm. “The truth, please.”

Ezul ran a hand down his face, unsure of where to begin. Delilah came back to their table, dropping into Sahin’s lap as if she was meant to be there. A tendril wrapped protectively around her waist at the same time as Sahin’s arm did, his fingers rubbing her stomach soothingly.

He sighed. It was no use hiding his feelings from his brother. Sahin and he had always been close. “I have been unable to think of much else but Cordelia since meeting her,” Ezul admitted. “She is reckless, and wild, and it has been refreshing.”

Delilah snorted. “It helps that Cordelia is a total hottie,” she chimed in.

Ezul furrowed his brow. “I don’t understand. Cordelia’s bodily temperature was fine. A bit flushed at times, but that is a side effect of the Ruftaz pollen.”

Delilah stared at him a moment before bursting into laughter, expecting Sahin to join her. The two males only stared at her in confusion until she eventually sobered, wiping her eyes.

“No, I’m sorry. Where I’m from when you describe someone as a ‘hottie’ it means you find them sexually attractive. Her body is very appealing to you.”

Ezul’s face heated, highlighting his embarrassment. Sahin smirked, and Delilah smiled, flashing white, blunt teeth.

“You know, I really thought you hated her when I met you in the harem,” Delilah murmured.

“I did,” Ezul told her passionately, though he was aware now he was full of it. He hadn’t hated Cordelia then; he’d just been enraptured and unsure of how to act toward a woman who’d bested him and fled.

Delilah smiled again. “Well, you know what they say.” Sahin and Ezul stared at her until she rolled her eyes. “There’s a fine line between love and hate...? You don’t know that saying?”

“I learn more about Earth’s customs each day, Shokan, but this is a new one.”

Delilah sighed, snuggling closer to Sahin. “It just means he doesn’t really hate Cordelia. He’s taken with her and has strong feelings he can’t quite decipher.”

“I have deciphered them adequately,” Ezul grumbled. He wanted Cordelia with him, always. Beneath him while he took her. Above him while she rode him with possession stamped on her features, her cunt gripping him lovingly until he spilled inside her slick heat.

“Enough of this,” Sahin said seriously, breaking Ezul’s train of thought. He shifted until Delilah was settled further on his lap. “I only heard briefly from our father what had transpired, but I would like to hear what truly happened.”

“You believe me incapable of stealing a woman?”

Sahin rolled his eyes. “I believe you are incapable of breaking the law.”
