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Ezul scratched the tip of his horn. He’d broken the law by lying earlier-he just couldn’t find it within him to care. Another thing that had changed, it seemed.

“I went to the capitol to see Cordelia. I’d thought of nothing else but her for days and I was sick with want just for a chance to glimpse her.” Ezul sighed. “I was considering turning back but it was then I noticed her climbing from the window of her quarters.”

“So she left on her own?”

Ezul nodded.

“Poor Cordelia,” Delilah exclaimed sadly. “She shouldn’t have to be locked up in the harem. She didn’t ask for any of this.”

“I agree,” Ezul replied, sitting back in his chair. “I became distracted by... Well,distracted, and during that time Cordelia managed to escape the capitol building. I caught up to her after a while, intending to bring her back before her absence was noticed, but we ended up falling into a den of leilings.”

Sahin stared at him knowingly. “A den of leilings would only take you an hour at most to clear. I was told you were missing for nearly three days.”

“The leilings were easy enough to dispatch,” Ezul admitted. “However, we landed among several Ruftaz plants and the pollen affected her greatly.”

Ezul adjusted himself, his cock growing painfully erect as he recalled just how affected his Runa had become.

“Ah,” Sahin said simply, his fingers flexing against Delilah’s stomach.

“I had just found an exit to the cave when we were apprehended by the capitol guards and separated. I took a neutralizer in the shoulder and woke to Father demanding an explanation. My options were to either protect Cordelia or myself, and I knew there was no other option than to see to her safety.”

“That’s so sweet,” Delilah sighed.

“I’m not sure I understand what taste has to do with keeping my Cordelia from harm, but I’ll agree with you.”

“Okay, well what do we do now?” Sahin asked. “Are you allowed to see Cordelia?”

Ezul shook his head. “She is to be questioned, and if she can confirm that we are mates, they will release her from the harem and she will come stay with me.”Permanently, Ezul thought to himself. At least, he hoped.

Delilah jumped up from Sahin’s lap, fist pumping the air. “You mean to tell me you two mated?! That means I’m not the only human living on this planet for life! Oh, that’s so exciting!”

Ezul grimaced. “We have not mated, though I would enjoy it greatly.” Delilah’s face fell and she slumped back down onto Sahin’s leg, looking a bit deflated. “I lied and said we were mates in an attempt to protect her from harm. I had hoped to speak with you both about the possibility of courting Cordelia, as per Earth’s customs. She may be more receptive to staying with me if I know what to do.”

“Well, it never hurts to take a woman out on dates,” Delilah supplied. “Compliment her outfits, tell her she looks pretty... Those are all great things. Usually, when a human wants to marry-eh, mate-with the one they love, they produce a ring…”

As Delilah began to tell him a few things she was sure would help sway Cordelia into a mating, Ezul began to feel a trickle of unease. His heart clenched painfully and sweat began to line his brow as he looked around the room, suddenly on high alert.

Sahin tilted his head. “Ezul? What is troubling you?”

Ezul stood unsteadily from his seat and glanced around. Why did he feel so frantic all of a sudden?

Mist shot from his hands, bolts of lightning wrapping around his fingers. Ezul had grown so accustomed to feeling the faintest touch of Cordelia on his fingers that he hadn’t even realized until now the touch was absent.

His mist was not with her..? Or perhaps it had purposely released Cordelia to alert him that his Runa was in trouble.

Just then, another wave of mist poured from him, encasing his body in a dark cloud of lightning and power until his physical form was completely cloaked in his shroud of power. He grew in height, nearly doubling in size.

Delilah screamed, the sound cutting off abruptly when Sahin brushed her behind him, whispering reassuringly before focusing on Ezul.

“Brother, what are you doing?”

Cordelia was burning up. She’d been in pain for hours, unable to sleep or eat as she writhed in her bed. She moaned as another wave of agony surged through her, as though someone was taking a blowtorch to her insides.

Shehurt, and not in a sexy ‘oh I need tons of sex now’ kind of way. This was torture, and she was fighting the urge to vomit constantly, barely able to move.

Her only relief was found in a small ball of Ezul’s mist that had crept in through the broken window in the main room, finding her and nestling close to her body.

She wasn’t sure why the hell it came to her and not Ezul himself. She assumed he had sent it to keep her company. But she honestly didn’t care how it had come to her as it settled inside of her dress, resting on her lower stomach until some of the pain subsided. It was a cool touch that helped ease the ache, if only a little.
