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Cordelia just wanted to go home. But instead of home, she was currently stuck in a harem within the Aragnokan capitol building with a few dozen alien women. All of the women were buzzing like excited little bees as they readied themselves for a festival taking place downstairs, hoping to meet some aliens to bring back up for some fun later on.

But not Cordelia.

Instead, she sat morosely on the top of her bed, which was lined up evenly with several others along a large, blue wall, her back up against the headboard as she glared at anyone and everyone that came near her, a usual occurrence since she’d been forced into this servitude.

Man, she hated being here.

The insanity of her new life on Aragnok beat every other traumatic moment she had ever experienced, even that time she threw up on her ex-boyfriend when he’d proposed to her two years ago.

That whole evening had been a disaster, and Cordelia had believed nothing could be worse than seeing chunks of lobster plastered to the side of Todd’s face while awkwardly declining his proposal.

Butthis? Being here? It was definitely worse. Cordelia was stranded on an alien planet with no way home. It was preposterous. Crazy. Absolute madness.

When Cordelia had initially woken on Aragnok over a month ago, lined up among a sea of women, most of whom werenotfrom Earth, there had been a monstrous alien in her face talking to her in surprisingly decent English.

She’d honestly thought she was dreaming, which, at the time, made perfect sense. She’d just gone to sleep on Earth, and then ‘magically’ she was somewhere else, in front of an alien that was easily six feet tall with gray skin; sharp, pointed teeth; and a tail that flicked back and forth behind him.

But as the minutes ticked by and a warm breeze picked up, tickling her skin and blowing her hair into her face, Cordelia had begun to realize she wasn’t dreaming at all. Not in the slightest.

She was fairly certain she’d just gone on autopilot after that, her brain refusing to comprehend anything around her.

The alien, who had identified himself as an Aragnokan, had told them that they had been selected among hundreds of volunteers, which she had definitelynotsigned up for, to compete in some kind of tournament called The Harvest Games. He’d briskly layed down some ground rules for her and the other ‘contestants’.

To win, all she would have to do was find one of three keys safeguarded by an alien somewhere on the planet, activate it, and then she’d be back in her apartment in a matter of seconds with a sizable amount of money waiting for her.

It had sounded simple enough, especially if the women around were her competition. They had all seemed excited, chattering amongst themselves, though at the time Cordelia had no idea what they’d been saying.

She hadn’t been given a translator back then, but she had one now that she belonged to the harem–a direct result of her losing The Harvest Games.

One contestant in particular had been an unconscious human woman on the ground at Cordelia’s feet. No one had seemed nervous that she hadn’t woken up like the rest of them, and immediately Cordelia had felt protective over her.

She’d needed a sense of purpose to cling to while her mind was in tatters, and the slumbering human woman with fiery red hair had been just what the doctor ordered to keep Cordelia from losing her damn mind. She’d make sure they both got out of this safely. Somehow…

What an optimistic take she’d had back then.

If the revelations of her abduction hadn’t been bad enough, the Aragnokan had then warned the contestants of a pollen that might affect them sexually, making them more aroused than normal.

Apparently, the pollen was to help the women on this planet become more fertile and produce offspring. The alien had explained that their population had been in decline for a long time.

He’d been adamant that if they experienced these effects, the pollen wouldn’t be harmful, and they should just give in to their body’stemptationto ‘mate’ with any Aragnokan who may possess a key in order to persuade them to relinquish it.

And then he’d just left like this wasn’t the most bizarre, overwhelming, and horrifying moment of her life.

Cordelia had begun hysterically laughing her ass off while she watched him disappear from view. There was absolutely no way she would ever be inclined to fuck a monster alien.

And then she’d felt it. Each breath she took caused her insides to heat, a steadily building pressure intensifying between her thighs that she just couldn’t shake.

The pollen had slowly started working its way into her system, influencing her to the point of pained arousal. When it had gotten bad enough, she’d been more than willing to do whatever it took to ease that ache between her thighs.

The other women around her had seemed unaffected, still brimming with excitement. Before long, they had left her and the sleeping human woman behind, disappearing from view shortly after the Aragnokan had.

While she’d been alone with her thoughts, Cordelia had finally come to accept that this was real. It was reallyreal.And as terrified as she was, she couldn’t just leave the slumbering woman to wake up scared and alone on an alien planet.

So Cordelia had calmed herself down, focusing on a few breathing exercises she’d learned from yoga class while she waited for her companion to wake up.

It had been such sweet relief when the woman finally had come round, mostly because Cordelia finally had someone to share that moment of blind panic and uncertainty with. Someone who didn’t feel like this was an exciting opportunity, but actually agreed it was an actual, literal nightmare.
