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They had both been so scared, and in the uncertainty of their future, they’d bonded together.

Cordelia had wanted to spare Delilah, her new companion, any agony if she could help it, so she’d been upfront and blunt about their situation.

They each needed to find an alien. Sweet talk him into sex. Find a key, take it and leave. Easy peasy.

Except it had been anything but easy.

Her and Delilah hadn’t even split up for more than a day before Cordelia had come across an Aragnokan man. And he hadnotbeen friendly.

By that point, the pollen-induced pain had made the concept of alien sex seem like a wonderful idea.

But instead of sex with a monster alien, Cordelia had been captured and tossed into her underground prison while the rudest alien she’d ever imagined stomped around above her head, spitting in her hair through the steel grate door in the floor and throwing half-eaten food at her for fun.

Her abductor had been cruel and downright feral.

Luckily, she’d escaped one night after he’d passed out, fleeing into the darkness like a madwoman.

It hadn’t been long after that when she’d methim, the literal bane of her existence.

Movement to her left startled Cordelia from her thoughts as a few women twirled around in their sheer gowns, the transparent silk billowing around their bodies sensually.

Cordelia glared at the farthest wall of her shared room, doing her best to ignore the giggling women.

Couldn’t they just go down to the festival already? Just leave her alone!

Apparently the event was some sort of yearly thing, where citizens of the capitol gathered with the senate to boost morale, learn of new laws being put in place and peddle their wares.

It sounded more like a work conference than a festival, but either way, at least she wouldn’t be with the group of excited captives as they ventured downstairs.

Cordelia would rather be caught dead than attend anything hosted by her abductors, no matter how peaceful a majority of the Aragnokans seemed.

True, she hadn’t been harmed since she’d come to the capitol; if anything, she was treated like a VIP in a gilded cage. There were even two guards constantly posted outside of their room for ‘protection’. But sugar-coat it all you want, those guards kept the women in as much as they kept the threats at bay.

She was still a prisoner. And Cordelia wanted out.

Once her roommates filed out of the harem, taking one of the two guards posted in the hallway with them as an escort, her pla could begin.

She just had to wait a few more minutes…

She fidgeted with her own transparent silk gown, her thoughts straying back tohim.


Ezul, the asshole with some freaky, misty monster power that terrified her as much as it set her senses on fire. He had managed to both intrigue and exasperate her to no end since their first meeting in the woods.

After Cordelia had abandoned him in that cave full of giant spiders, she had eventually bumped into Delilah before getting capturedagainby the douche alien who’d held her hostage initially. From there, both women were sent to the capitol to become members of this pathetic harem.

How was this her life now?

Luckily for Delilah, she’d been rescued by her mate, Sahin, who just happened to be Ezul’s–the alien she’d abandoned in a spider cave–brother.

She still remembered her first time seeing Ezul after their tussle in the woods. He’d stormed into the harem room acting like he owned the place, completely unfazed as women flocked around him, giggling.

Then his eyes had locked on Cordelia, and she’d truly seen him in the light for the first time.

She’d understood why the women were flocking him then. Even with a permanent scowl on his face, Ezul was sexy as sin.

It was like she’d been hit by a bolt of lightning when his dark gaze captured hers, and for a moment, Ezul’s glowing white veins had brightened through the tiny cracks in his dark gray skin, beckoning her forward.
